
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

7.4.2 Node generation function

The function generates tree information of all nodes under the system node of a tree, joins it with the tree information from the root node to the system node generated by the system node generation function, and generates tree information of the entire tree.

The following table shows the input and output information of the node generation function.

Table 7‒32: Input and output information of the node generation function


Input information / Output information



Input information

System configuration information

System configuration information of a linked product that was collected using adapter commands and plug-ins.

The system configuration information is shown in the SID and additional information of the SID. For details on the SID, see 7.1 SID.


Tree information to the system node

Tree information generated by the system node generation function


Category name definition file for IM management nodes


A file that defines the names and orders of IM management node categories for management groups when data collected by the Intelligent Integrated Management Base is shown in sunburst chart format or in tree format


Host name definition file (imdd_host_name.conf)

Definition information for mapping alias names to actual host names, if a product in which an alias name can be assigned to a host name is added to the configuration of IM management nodes


Output information

Tree information

Information necessary to show IM management nodes in sunburst chart format or in tree format.

The tree information is shown in the tree SID and additional information of the tree SID. For details on the SID, see 7.1 SID.

The node generation function consists of the node generation function using JP1/IM and the node generation function using a plug-in. Each of the functions is described below.

The following table shows what to do on the additional information of the newly created tree SID in relation to the additional information of the tree SID already created if the tree SID under the system node created by the plug-in is the same as the one under the system node created using JP1/IM.

Table 7‒34: Action on additional information when the tree SID is duplicated


Structured identifier







label of the tree SID already generated takes precedence



resourceGroup of the tree SID already generated takes precedence

Organization of this subsection

(1) Default tree SID

If a node does not meet the definition of the system node and is not generated by a plug-in, the tree nodes of the object root node and objects are generated according to the following rule for creating the default tree SID:


The following table shows the default tree SIDs.

Table 7‒35: Default tree SIDs


IM management node type

Structured identifier name

label value

Creation condition



Value of the configuration information#

Type of the object root node if the above value is not found

Value of the meta.objectRoot.defaultSystem.label configuration information#

No value if the above value is not found

If the SID of configuration information contains the structured identifier of the object root node and meta.objectRoot.defaultSystem# of the configuration information is found


Object root node type

Name of the object root node

label value in the configuration information

If the SID of configuration information contains the structured identifier of the object root node



Additional information's category value in the configuration information

Name resolved by the category name definition file for IM management nodes based on the additional information's category value in the configuration information

If the additional information in the configuration information has category



Additional information's subCategory name in the configuration information


If the additional information in the configuration information has category and subCategory



Name that joins Class and Name of a structured identifier under the object root node with the SID in the configuration information

label value in the configuration information

If the SID of configuration information contains the structured identifier of the object root node and its subordinate structured identifier is found

#: For details on meta.objectRoot.defaultSystem, see List of configuration information to be returned in 4.4.4(1) __configurationGet method.

The tree structure is shown in the following figure.

Figure 7‒4: Tree structure


In the Intelligent Integrated Management Base, the tree structure is maintained in JSON format. This tree structure is referred to as a tree object. The following tree object depicts the tree structure shown in the figure above:

    {"sid":"_ROOT_AllSystem/_SYSTEM_SystemA","value":{"target":[],"resourceGroup":["userA"],"label":"System A"}},
    {"sid":"_ROOT_AllSystem/_SYSTEM_SystemA/_HOST_HostA","value":{"target":[],"label":"Host A"}},
        "value":{"target":[],"label":"Service A"}},
        "value":{"target":[],"label":"Job group A"}},
        "value":{"target":["_JP1AJS-M_HostA/_HOST_HostA/_JP1SCHE_ServiceA/_JP1JOBG_JobGroupA/_JP1ROOTJOBNET_RootJobnetA"],"label":"Root jobnet A"}},
    {"sid":"_ROOT_AllSystem/_SYSTEM_SystemA/_SYSTEM_SubSystemA","value":{"target":[],"label":"Subsystem A"}},
    {"sid":"_ROOT_AllSystem/_SYSTEM_SystemA/_SYSTEM_SubSystemA/_SYSTEM_SubSystemAA","value":{"target":[],"label":"Subsystem AA"}},
    {"sid":"_ROOT_AllSystem/_HOST_HostB","value":{"target":["_JP1IM_IMMGR/_JP1BASE_HostB/_HOST_HostB"],"label":"Host B"}},
        "value":{"target":["_JP1IM_IMMGR/_JP1BASE_HostB/_HOST_HostB/_JP1BASEAGT_"],"label":"Service B"}}

The order in which the simtData objects are arranged signifies the order in which the components in the same layer appear in the window.