
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

4.5.18 jp1TrendDataService.getLabelList

This method retrieves a list of time series of label set Match to the parameter-specified criteria from Trend data Management Database of the respective manager.

Method name

Object jp1TrendDataService.getLabelList(String host, String[] match, String starttime, String endtime, String jp1User)


Specify host name of JP1/IM - Manager, from 1 to 255.


Specify the filter criteria for the label set to retrieve from Trend data Management Database.

More than one condition can be specified as an array. If specified, an OR condition is set. You can specify up to three conditions.

The criteria can be a metric. You can also add a comma-separated list enclosed in {} to specify a condition that compares a label with a label value enclosed in '. The following shows the operators and specification examples of comparison conditions.

  • =: Match the specified text

  • !=: Does not match the specified text.

  • =~: Regex match to the specified string

  • !~: Regex does not match on the specified string

(Example of specification)

  • When creating IM management node for various Exporter

    When you retrieve a up metric label-set, you specify up.

  • To create IM management node for Yet another cloudwatch exporter

    When retrieving a label set that starts with aws_ in the __name__ label, specify {__name__=~'aws_.*'}.

  • To create IM management node for Fluentd

    When retrieving the fluentd_logtrap_running label set, specify the fluentd_logtrap_running.


Specifies the starting time for retrieving the list of label sets, in seconds since UTC 1970 January 1 00:00:00 (UNIX epoch). The time before midnight 0:0:0 on January 1, 1970 (minus Value) cannot be specified.


Specifies the ending time for retrieving the list of label sets, in seconds since UTC 1970 January 1 00:00:00 (UNIX epoch). The time before midnight 0:0:0 on January 1, 1970 (minus Value) cannot be specified.


Specify JP1 user name with the following JP1 Permissions level in the range of 1~31 bytes.

  • JP1_Console_Admin

Return values

If the list of label sets is successfully retrieved, the list of label sets is returned. For the format of the list of label sets, see 7.2.3(2) Label Set List Object.

The following table lists the keys and value that are stored in the object when retrieving the list of label sets fails.




Error message.

  • If the Trend Data Management Service fails to retrieve Port number, KAJY62004-E's message is Setup.

  • If communication with the Trend Data Management Service fails, KAJY62000-E's message is Setup.

  • If the Trend Data Management Service returns Error, KAJY62005-E's message is Setup.

  • If the specified host fails to connect to Intelligent Integrated Management Base, KAJY00027-E's message is Setup.

  • If Intelligent Integrated Management Base operation on the specified host fails, KAJY00029-E's message is Setup.


Returns id of the error message.

For user-created plug-in method that invokes this method, determine error with or without value of errorMessageId key. Depending on the content of value, consider error messages or error handling based on the plug-in specification.

The key errorMessage value is output to the plug-in's internal log. It can be used to investigate plug-in failures.

