
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

4.4.5 Exception handling

If an exception occurs in a method of the user-created plug-in, it should be caught (catch) within that method. If an exception occurs in a method of the plug-in, set the error and message that correspond to the exception to the argument of the error message method (args.setError) and then call the method. Use English for the language of the error message you set.

Note that after the error message method (args.setError) is called, the plug-in will never get the control back.

The following message is printed to the integrated trace log or window:

KAJY02028-W An attempt to acquire the system configuration information that manages JP1/IM - Manager has failed. (Host name: host-name, Component name: component-name, Details: details)

The name of the host from which information could not be retrieved


The name of the component from which information could not be retrieved


The contents of the message returned by the setError method

For details on the error message method (args.setError), see 4.4.4(1) __configurationGet method in 4.4 Methods implemented in the plug-in.

For details on the messages, see the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages.