
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

User-specific metric definition file (Promitor) (metrics_any-Prometheus-trend-name.conf)

Organization of this page


See the Format section in Node exporter metric definition file (metrics_node_exporter.conf).



Set any-Prometheus-trend-name to the value that is setup to the jp1_pc_trendname of the user-specific discovery configuration file.

Storage directory

■Integrated manager host

In Windows:
  • For a physical host


  • For a logical host


In Linux:
  • For a physical host


  • For a logical host



This file defines the user specific metric information which displayed in the Trend tab of Integration Operation Viewer window.

Definition uses a return value of __metricListGet method and __timeSeriesDataGet method in the product plug-in of JP1/IM - Agent.

If JP1/IM - Manager is in a hierarchical configuration and you want to refer to trend data stored in Trend data Management Database of lower manager from Integrated manager, you must add trend data metrics that you want to refer to metric definition File of Integrated manager.

Character encoding

UTF-8 (without BOM)

Linefeed code

In Windows: CR+LF

In Linux: LF

Timing in which definitions are reflected

The definitions take effect when execute .__metricListGet method or __timeSeriesDataGet method in the product plug-in of JP1/IM - Agent.

Content description

See the Information that is specified section in Node exporter metric definition file (metrics_node_exporter.conf).