
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

Container monitoring metric definition file (metrics_kubernetes.conf)

Organization of this page


    "module": "component-name"
  }, ...

The number of elements that can be written inside the brackets ([]) is from 1 to 1,000. A KAJY24609-E error message is output when writing a number of elements that falls outside this range.



metrics_kubernetes.conf.model (Model file)

Storage directory

For Windows
When using a physical host


When using a logical host


For Linux
When using a physical host


When using a logical host



This file defines the container monitoring metric information shown in the Trends tab of the Integrated Operation Viewer window.

Definitions are used for the return values of the __metricListGet method and __timeSeriesDataGet method for JP1/IM - Agent product plug-ins. If JP1/IM - Manager is in a hierarchical configuration and trend data stored in the database of a lower-level manager is referenced from an upper-level manager, you must add the metrics of the referenced trend data to the metrics definition file of the upper-level manager.

Character encoding

UTF-8 (without BOM)

Linefeed code

In Windows: CR+LF

In Linux: LF

Timing in which definitions are reflected

Definitions are reflected when metric information is retrieved in the Trends tab on the Integrated Operation Viewer window, or in the REST API.

Content description

For details, see Content description in Node exporter metric definition file (metrics_node_exporter.conf) (2. Definition Files) for JP1/IM - Agent. However, the module member is required and the component type is specified. The value specified here is used as the object root type.

Settings in the model file (initial status)

The following shows the settings (initial status) of each metric written in the container monitoring metric definition file (model file).