
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

Apply-IM-configuration-method definition file (jp1cf_applyconfig.conf)

Organization of this page


"APPLY_CONFIG_TYPE"=dword:{00000000 | 00000001}


jp1cf_applyconfig.conf (file that sets the application method of IM configuration)

Storage directory

In Windows
For a physical host:


For a logical host:


For a physical host:

Physical host: /etc/opt/jp1imm/conf/imcf/

For a logical host:

Logical host: shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imcf/


This file defines how to apply the system hierarchy.

The methods for applying the agent configurations include the differential distribution method, the batch distribution method (with the deletion of configuration information), and the batch distribution method (without the deletion of configuration information).

When the condition below is met, you can use the apply-IM-configuration-method definition file to switch between the batch distribution method (with the deletion of configuration information) and the batch distribution method (without the deletion of configuration information):

For details about how to apply the system hierarchy, see 8.2.6 Applying the system hierarchy in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

When the definitions are applied

After the jbssetcnf command is executed to apply the definitions to the JP1 common definition information, the settings are applied when JP1/IM - Manager is started or restarted, or when the file is reloaded by using the jco_spmd_reload command.

Information that is specified


Indicates the key name of the application method of IM configuration.

For the physical host, specify JP1_DEFAULT for logical-host-name. For a logical host, specify its name for logical-host-name.

"APPLY_CONFIG_TYPE"=dword:{00000000 | 00000001}

Specify the method for applying the system hierarchy.

  • 00000000

    Specify this value to use the batch distribution method (with the deletion of configuration information) to apply the system hierarchy. Applies the system hierarchy configuration after deletion. This item is set by default.

  • 00000001

    Specify this value to use the batch distribution method (without the deletion of configuration information) apply the system hierarchy. Applies the system hierarchy configuration without deleting it.

If the value is invalid or if the common definition has not been set, the default value is assumed.

Example definition
