
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

Environment definition file for events after the display message is changed (chmsgevent.conf)

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chmsgevent.conf.update (model file for the environment definition file for events after the display message is changed)

Storage directory

In Windows





This file defines the execution environment of the function for issuing an event after a display message has been changed. It specifies whether to enable the function.

The required definitions are provided as a model file. To change the settings, copy the model file and edit the copy after renaming the copy to definition file (for Windows: console-path\conf\chmsgevent.conf, for UNIX: /etc/opt/jp1cons/conf/chmsgevent.conf).

When the definitions are applied

The definitions take effect when JP1/IM - Manager is restarted after the jbssetcnf command has been executed in JP1/Base to apply the definitions to the JP1 common definition information.

Information that is specified


Indicates the key name of the JP1/IM - Manager environment settings.

For logical-host-name, specify JP1_DEFAULT for a physical host and logical-host-name for a logical host.


Specifies whether to enable the function to issue an event after a display message is changed.

  • 00000001: Enabled (issue an event after a display message is changed)

  • 00000000: Disabled (do not issue an event after a display message is changed)

The default value is 00000000 (disabled).

Example definition