
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

Severity changing definition file (jcochsev.conf)

Organization of this page


def definition-name-1
    [cmt comment]
    [define {enable | disable}]
    [addflag {true | false}]
    sev event-level
def definition-name-2
    [cmt comment]
    [define {enable | disable}]
    [addflag {true | false}]
    sev event-level


jcochsev.conf (severity changing definition file)

jcochsev.conf.model (model file for the severity changing definition file)

Storage directory

In Windows
For a physical host:


For a logical host:


For a physical host:


For a logical host:



This file defines conditions for changing the event level of JP1 events and the new event level. The event severity changing function changes the event level of a JP1 event if it satisfies an event condition defined in this file. Specify this file using the language encoding that is used by JP1/IM - Manager.

The maximum size of this file is 17 megabytes (17,825,792 bytes). There is no upper limit on the number of definitions.

There are two types of parameters in the severity changing definition file:

When the definitions are applied

The definition takes effect when the event severity changing function is enabled, and one of the following operations is performed:

Information that is specified (severity changing definition file version)


Specifies the file version that determines the format of this severity changing definition file as version information. Specify 2. If DESC_VERSION is omitted, 2 is assumed as the file version.

Specify DESC_VERSION on the first line of the definition file (the first line in the file excluding any null lines and comment lines). If there is no file version in the first line, 2 is assumed.

Table 2‒61: Version information of the severity changing definition file format

Version information



Indicates version 10-10 or earlier as the version of the severity changing definition file.


Indicates version 10-50 as the version of the severity changing definition file.

Table 2‒62: List of parameters that can be specified in the severity changing definition file according to the version information

Version information

Parameter name


def to end-def (definition block)

cnd to end-cnd (event condition block)



def to end-def (definition block)

cmt comment

define {enable | disable}

addflag {true | false}

cnd to end-cnd (event condition block)


Information that is specified (severity changing definition parameter)

As shown in the following figure, the definition parameter for changing severity consists of a definition block and an event condition block.

Figure 2‒9: Parameter for changing severity


def to end-def (definition block)

These are the start and end parameters for a severity changing definition. The block from def to end-def can be omitted, in which case the system assumes that the event level is not to be changed for any JP1 events. After def, specify the names of severity changing definitions. If you specify def△△△definition-1△△△definition-2△△△, then △△definition-1△△△definition-2△△△ are treated as the definition names (Δ indicates a single-byte space).

For a definition name, specify a character string of from 1 to 50 bytes. Each definition name must be unique within the severity changing definition file. The permitted characters are all characters other than the control characters (from 0x00 to 0x1F and 0x7F to 0x9F).

cmt comment

Describes the comment for the severity changing definition. The comment specified for cmt is displayed in the comment section of the Severity Change Definition Settings window. Only one cmt parameter can be specified in the definition block. This parameter can be omitted. Specify the comment within 1,024 bytes. The permitted characters are all characters other than the control characters (0x00 to 0x1F, and 0x7F to 0x9F).

If you specify this parameter when version-information is 1, an error occurs.

define {enable | disable}

Specifies whether to enable the severity changing definition. Only one define parameter can be specified in the definition block. To enable the severity changing definition, specify enable, to disable it, specify disable. The define parameter can be omitted. By default, enable is set. The values are not case sensitive.

If you specify this parameter when version-information is 1, an error occurs.

addflag {true | false}

Indicates an additional severity changing definition has been added from a window, and specifies whether the severity changing definition is an additional severity changing definition. Therefore, to edit the severity changing definition file, you do not need to specify the addflag parameter. Only one addflag parameter can be specified in the definition block. Specify true for the additional severity changing definition, and false for the severity changing definition. When true is specified, the icon ([Figure]) is displayed in Type of the View Severity Change Definitions window. The addflag parameter can be omitted. By default, false is specified. The value is not case sensitive.

If you specify this parameter when version-information is 1, an error occurs.

cnd to end-cnd (event condition block)

These are the start and end parameters for the block that specifies a condition for the JP1 events whose event level is to be changed. You must specify one event condition block in a definition block. The event condition block cannot be omitted. If a received JP1 event satisfies multiple event conditions, the definition block closest to the beginning of the severity changing definition file is effective. Tabs and spaces before and after the cnd and end-cnd parameters are ignored.


Specifies a condition for the JP1 events whose event level is to be changed. You can specify from 0 to 256 event conditions in an event condition block. You can specify from 1 to 256 event conditions per event condition block. When multiple event conditions are specified, it is assumed that they are connected with the AND condition. Specify the event conditions in the following format (Δ indicates a single-byte space):


Note that a line consisting of only spaces or tabs is ignored during processing.


Specifies the name of the attribute that you want to compare. To specify a basic attribute, place B. immediately before the name. To specify an extended attribute (common information or user-specific information), place E. immediately before the name. The attribute names are case sensitive.

The following table lists and describes the combinations of attribute names and comparison keywords and the operands that can be specified.

Table 2‒63: Combinations of attribute names and comparison keywords and the operands that can be specified



Attribute name

Comparison keyword



Event ID


  • Match

  • Does not match

A maximum of 100 event IDs can be specified.

Specify event IDs in hexadecimal notation. Event IDs are not case sensitive.

The permitted range is from 0 to 7FFFFFFF.


Reason for registration


  • Match

  • Does not match

A maximum of 100 reasons for registration can be specified.


Source process ID


  • Match

  • Does not match

A maximum of 100 source process IDs can be specified.

The permitted value range is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.


Source user ID


  • Match

  • Does not match

A maximum of 100 source user IDs can be specified.

The permitted value range is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.


Source group ID


  • Match

  • Does not match

A maximum of 100 source group IDs can be specified.

The permitted value range is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.


Source user name


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 source user names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one source user name is allowed.


Source group name


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 source group names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one source group name is allowed.


Event-issuing server name (source host)#1


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 event-issuing server names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one event-issuing server name is allowed.


Target event server name#1


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 target event server names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one target event server name is allowed.




  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 messages can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one message is allowed.




  • Match

Multiple severity values can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one severity value is allowed. The following are the specifiable values: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, or Debug.


User name


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 user names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one user name is allowed.


Product name


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 product names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one product name is allowed.


Object type


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 object types can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one object type is allowed.


Object name


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 object names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one object name is allowed.


Root object type


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 root object types can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one root object type is allowed.


Root object name


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 root object names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one root object name is allowed.


Object ID


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 object IDs can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one object ID is allowed.




  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 occurrences can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one occurrence is allowed.


Result code


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 termination codes can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one termination code is allowed.


Event source host name#1


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Do not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

A maximum of 100 event source host names can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one event source host name is allowed.


Program-specific extended attribute#2


  • First characters

  • Match

  • Does not match

  • Is contained

  • Is not contained

  • Regular expression

For the attribute name, you can specify a name with a maximum length of 32 bytes that begins with an uppercase letter and consists of uppercase letters, numeric characters, and the underscore (_).

A maximum of 100 extended attributes can be specified. However, if a regular expression is used, only one extended attribute is allowed.


If the integrated monitoring database and the IM Configuration Management database are enabled, and the comparison keyword is Match or Do not match, the business group name can be specified in a path format.

If the integrated monitoring database and the IM Configuration Management database are disabled, and a comparison keyword other than Match and Do not match is selected, a business group name specified in a path format is treated as a host name.

If the -ignorecasehost option of the jcoimdef command is set to ON, and a comparison keyword other than Regular expression is selected, the character string is no longer case sensitive.


You can also specify a JP1 product-specific extended attribute. For example, the program-specific extended attribute for the JP1/AJS job execution host is E.C0. For details about the product-specific extended attributes, consult the documentation for the products that issue JP1 events.


Specifies one of BEGIN (begins with), IN (matches), NOTIN (does not match), SUBSTR (includes), NOTSUBSTR (does not include), or REGEX (regular expression) as the comparison keyword. The comparison keyword is case sensitive.


Specifies a character string as the value that is to be compared with the attribute value by the specified comparison keyword. Operands are case sensitive.

Separate multiple operands with one or more consecutive spaces or a tab. The OR condition is applied to the specified operands. Note that if a regular expression is specified, only one operand can be specified.

To specify a space, a tab, end-of-line code (CR or LF), or % as part of an operand, specify as follows:


Value to be set

How to specify


Tab (0x09)



Space (0x20)



% (0x25)



Linefeed code LF (0x0a)



Carriage return code CR (0x0d)


During maximum value checking for the definition format, %20 and %25 are each treated as a single character. The character code specified after the % is not case sensitive. The following shows an example of defining ID matches 100 and 200, which selects multiple operands:



Δ: Space (0x20)

You can specify a maximum of 4,096 bytes of operands per event condition and per event condition block (total length in bytes of all operands that are specified in the event condition block).


Specifies the new event level after the change.

You must specify one sev parameter in a definition block. This parameter cannot be omitted.

You can specify in the sev parameter Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, or Debug.


A line beginning with a hash mark (#) is treated as a comment. Note that if you set the severity changing definition from JP1/IM - View, the comment line beginning with # is deleted.

Example definition

Change the event level to Emergency when the event ID is 100 or 200, the existing event level is Warning, and the source host is hostA, hostB, or hostC:

def Event level change 1
    cmt comment1
    define enable
        B.ID IN 100 200
        E.SEVERITY IN Warning
        B.SOURCESERVER IN hostA hostB hostC
    sev Emergency