
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

Communication environment definition file (console.conf.update)

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console.conf.update (model file for the communication environment definition file)

Storage directory

In Windows





This file defines communication processing (timeout period) among JP1/IM - Manager, the viewer, and the jcochstat command.

When a low-speed line is used in the network for communication between the viewer and JP1/IM - Manager or when the viewer's workload is high, timeouts might occur during the viewer's communication processing, resulting in communication errors. You can prevent such communication errors by modifying the timeout period.

When the jcochstat command is used from another manager to change the action status of a JP1 event at the local host, a communication error might occur due to a timeout during communication processing. Modifying the timeout period and the connection retry count might resolve the problem, preventing a recurrence of the communication error.

If you are using JP1/IM - View (event console), you must also change the communication environment definition file for JP1/IM - View (event console) (view.conf.update).

The required definitions are provided as a model file. To change the settings, copy the model file and edit the copy after renaming the copy to definition file (for Windows: console-path\conf\console.conf, for UNIX: /etc/opt/jp1cons/conf/console.conf).

When the definitions are applied

The definition takes effect after JP1/IM - Manager is restarted by executing the jbssetcnf command.

Information that is specified


Specifies the key name for Event Console Service environment settings.

For logical-host-name, specify JP1_DEFAULT for the physical host and logical-host-name for a logical host.


Specifies as a hexadecimal value the timeout period in milliseconds. The default value is dword:0000EA60 (60,000 milliseconds).

The range of values that can be specified is from 0x00000001 to 0x0036EE80 (3,600,000 milliseconds).

The specified value must not exceed the value specified for COM_RMI_TIMEOUT (default: 0000EA60) in the console.conf.update communication environment definition file and the view.conf.update communication environment definition file. Additionally, check the setting value (timeout period) on the connection source.


Specifies the key name for the jcochstat command environment settings.


Specifies as a hexadecimal value the timeout period in milliseconds. The default value is dword:0000EA60 (60,000 milliseconds).

The range of values that can be specified is from 0x00000001 to 0x0036EE80 (3,600,000 milliseconds).

The specified value must not exceed the value specified for COM_RMI_TIMEOUT (default: 0000EA60) in the communication environment definition file (view.conf.update).


Specifies as a hexadecimal value the retry count to be applied in the event of a communication error. The default is dword:00000003 (3 times).

The range of values that can be specified is from 0x00000001 to 0x7fffffff (2,147,483,647 times).


Specifies as a hexadecimal value the wait time in milliseconds between retry attempts. The default is dword:00000BB8 (3,000 milliseconds).

The range of values that can be specified is from 0x00000001 to 0x7fffffff (2,147,483,647 milliseconds).


Specifies as a hexadecimal value the timeout period in milliseconds for the event action status to change. The permitted value range is from 0000EA60 to 0036EE80 (from 60,000 to 3,600,000 milliseconds). The default is dword:0000EA60 (60,000 milliseconds).

If the KAVB1205-E message is displayed frequently, set a longer timeout period.

Example definition


Make sure that the end of the file is at the beginning of the last line.