
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

IM management node link definition file (imdd_nodeLink_def.conf)

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    }, ...



imdd_nodeLink_def.conf.model (model file for the IM management node link definition file)

Storage directory

In Windows
For a physical host:


For a logical host:


For a physical host:


For a logical host:



This file defines relationships between IM management nodes. You can use this definition file to define new relationships between IM management nodes. If you define the same relationship as that in the IM management node link file (imdd_nodeLink.json) (which is the one with the same from, to, and type), the relationship defined in this file takes effect in the system.

If JP1/AJS or JP1/PFM is linked, a relationship between monitoring targets is registered automatically by the related node display function. If you want to add other relationships separately and show them in the integrated operation viewer, you can specify them in this definition file. For details about the related node display function, see 3.11 Related node display function in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

If you use the REST API, you can get the settings as data. For details about the REST API, see 5. API.

When the definitions are applied

The settings in the IM management node link definition file are applied to the Intelligent Integrated Management Base when the jddupdatetree command is completed successfully.

Information that is specified

The IM management node link definition file must be saved in UTF-8 without BOM (byte order mark).


Specifies the version of the IM management node link definition file. Set this to 1.


This node is the preceding node. Specify the configuration information SID or tree SID. For details about characters available for the type and name of SID, see 7.1 SID. We recommend that you define the value you referred to in the Integrated Operation Viewer window or with the REST API.

This option is mandatory.

The Job flow tab displays relationships between IM management nodes only when rootJobnetExecutionOrder is specified for type and an SID is specified. If you specify a tree SID, you cannot view relationships between IM management nodes in the window. However, by using the link information acquisition API, you can acquire link information specified with the tree SID. For details, see 5.5.1 Link information acquisition.

The Related node tab, on the other hand, displays relationships between IM management nodes regardless of the value specified for type or whether an SID or tree SID is specified.

Example to specify a root jobnet:


This node is the subsequent node. Specify the configuration information SID or tree SID. For details about characters available for the type and name of SID, see 7.1 SID. We recommend that you define the value you referred to in the Integrated Operation Viewer window or with the REST API.

This option is mandatory.

The Job flow tab displays relationships between IM management nodes only when rootJobnetExecutionOrder is specified for type and a SID is specified. If you specify a tree SID, you cannot view relationships between IM management nodes in the window. However, by using the link information acquisition API, you can acquire link information specified with the tree SID. For details, see 7.1 SID.

The Related node tab, on the other hand, displays relationships between IM management nodes regardless of the value specified for type or whether an SID or tree SID is specified.

Example to specify a root jobnet:


Specifies the type indicated by the link information set by from and to. Control characters are not acceptable. You can specify half-width alphanumeric characters from 1 to 255 bytes. This option is mandatory.

The type is the information used to group relationships with the same meaning. In the Related node tab of the Integrated Operation Viewer, you can view filtered relationships by type.

Use the types listed below within JP1/IM products or for linkage with other products. In addition to these types, you can also specify any type.

  • rootJobnetExecutionOrder (relationship of execution order of a root jobnet)

  • managerAgent (relationship between a manager and agent of a JP1 product)

  • rootJobnetAgent (relationship between a root jobnet and an AJS agent)

  • sameNode (relationship between nodes having the same name)

  • L2Connection (relationship between layer-2 connection lines managed by JP1/NNMi)

  • Infrastructure (relationship of infrastructure resources managed by JP1/OA)

  • monitoringConfiguration (Relation between a product and a monitoring target in a monitoring product configuration)

If you set type to rootJobnetExecutionOrder, specify the configuration information SID of the IM management node for from and to.


Specifies additional link information. This option is optional.


Specify it if the information type is an execution order of a root jobnet. Specify the information of a linked unit. This option is optional.


Specifies the complete name of a preceding linked unit. Specify a string of one megabyte or less other than control characters. This option is mandatory.

Example :

/jobnet1/JP1 event sending job

Specifies the complete name of a subsequent linked unit. Specify a string of one megabyte or less other than control characters. This option is mandatory.

Example :

/jobnet2/JP1 event reception monitoring job

Specify it if the information type is an execution order of a root jobnet. Specify a scheduled date and time for linkage. This option is optional. If it is omitted, endtime is assumed for operation.

The specified option is ignored when relationType is set to waitCondition, and startTime is used for operation.

  • "startTime"

    Specify it if the link is configured so that execution of the subsequent unit is started after the preceding unit ends. For example, specify it for linkage through cancellation of holding operation.

  • "endTime"

    Specify it if the link is configured so that the wait condition of the subsequent unit is met after the preceding unit ends. For example, use it for the link through event jobs (such as a file monitoring job or incoming email monitoring job).


Specify it when the type of the target is the root jobnet execution order. Specify the type of linkage for precedingJob (full name of the preceding linked unit) and succeedingJob (full name of the subsequent linked unit).

  • waitCondition

    Specify it for linkage with a wait.

    If you specify waitCondition for relationType, then specify the unit whose end is being waited for for precedingJob (complete name of the preceding linked unit), and specify the complete name of the unit with wait conditions for succeedingJob (complete name of the subsequent linked unit).

  • jobnetConnector

    Specify it for linkage with a jobnet connector.

    If you specify jobnetConnector for relationType, then specify the job connector or the full name of the unit of the connection-destination root jobnet for precedingJob (complete name of the preceding linked unit) and succeedingJob (complete name of the subsequent linked unit).

  • other

    Specify it for other linkages. For linkage with JP1 events, specify this value.

This option can be omitted. If you omit this option, other is assumed for operation.

Note that different dates and times appear in Scheduled date and time for linkage of the Linked unit dialog box depending on the specified types of linkage. For details, see the explanation on the linked unit in 2.6.1 Tabs area in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.


For precedingJob (complete name of the preceding linked unit) and succeedingJob (complete name of the subsequent linked unit), specify the full name of the unit corresponding to the type of linkage that is specified for relationType (type of linkage). If you specify the full name of the unit incorrectly, the correct date and time will not be displayed in Scheduled date and time for linkage in the Linked unit dialog box.

Example definition

        "links": [
           }, ...
        }, ...