
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference


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The jr3slget command extracts the system log information of the SAP system.


jr3slget    [RFC-connection-information]
            [-lasttime timestamp-file-name]
            [-cnf environment-parameters-file-name]

Host that can execute the command

Integrated agent host

Execution permissions

In Windows:


In Linux:


Storage directory

■Integrated agent host

In Windows:
  • For a physical host:




In Linux:
  • For a physical host:






Specifies the information needed to establish RFC connection with the SAP system for command execution.

You can omit specification of this argument if you have specified the RFC connection information in the environment parameters file (CONNECT section). If the RFC connection information is specified in both the environment parameters file and the command, the command specification takes effect. For details about the environment parameters file, see Environment parameters file for jr3slget command (jr3slget.ini) in Chapter 2. Definition Files.

The following describes the RFC information argument:

-h application-server-host-name

Specifies as 1-100 single-byte alphanumeric characters the name of the connection-target application server host. You must specify one of the following:

  • Host name specified in the hosts file

  • IP address

  • SAP router address

You can verify the application server host name by transaction code SM51.

When you specify this option, you must also specify the -s option.

-s system-number

Specifies the system number for identification by the application server host specified with the -h option. You must specify a value in the range 0-99.

When you specify this option, you must also specify the -h option.

-c client-name

Specifies as 1-3 bytes the client name of the user that is to be used for connection. You must specify a value in the range 0-999.

When you specify this option, you must also specify the -u option together with the -p or -p2 option.

-u user-name

Specifies as 1-12 single-byte alphanumeric characters the user name that is to be used for connection.

When you specify this option, you must also specify the -c option together with the -p or -p2 option.

For details about the SAP users that can be specified, see SAP users used for establishing connection.

-p password

Specifies the password for the user specified in the -u option. The permitted value is 1-8 single-byte characters.

This option and the -p2 option are mutually exclusive.

When you specify this option, you must also specify the -c and -u options.

Specify this option when the SAP system is applying the conventional password rules.

For details about the characters permitted for the password, see SAP users used for establishing connection.

-p2 extended-password

Specifies the extended password for the user specified in the -u option. The permitted value is 1-40 single-byte characters. This value is case sensitive.

This option and the -p option are mutually exclusive.

When you specify this option, you must also specify the -c and -u options.

Specify this option when the SAP system is applying the extended password rules.

For details about the characters permitted for the extended password, see SAP users used for establishing connection.

-l language

Specifies the language for the user specified with the -u option. You must specify a double-byte ISO ID or a single-byte language key used in the SAP system. For example:

  • To specify Japanese: JA

  • To specify a language other than Japanese: EN

If you omit this option, the user's language used in the connection-target system is assumed.

When you specify this option, you must also specify the -c option, the -u option, and the -p or -p2 option.

-codepage code-page

Specifies the code page to be used when character encoding is converted in the Unicode version of the SAP system.The code page must be specified together with a language in the -l option.

Specify the combination of language and code page as shown below. If any other combination of language and code page is specified, an encoding error may occur in the information acquired from the SAP system.

Table 1‒54: Combination of language and code page specifications

Connection-target SAP system

Connection language

Language (-l)

Code page (-codepage)

Unicode version






No need to specify. If you specify a code page, specify 1100.

Non-Unicode version



No need to specify. If you specify a code page, specify 8000.



No need to specify. If you specify a code page, specify 1100.

To set the code page to be used to convert character codes at the connection-target SAP system (Unicode version), you can also use the SAP_CODEPAGE environment variable provided by the SAP system. If the code page setting is specified in both the SAP_CODEPAGE environment variable and in this option, this option takes effect.

If this option is omitted, the connection-target system's default code page is assumed. When you specify this option, you must also specify the -c option, the -u option, and the -p or -p2 option.


Specifies information that identifies the system log information that is to be extracted.

You can omit specification of this argument if you have specified the target information in the environment parameters file (TARGET section). If target information is specified in both the environment parameters file and the command, the command specification takes effect. For details about the environment parameters file, see Environment parameters file for jr3slget command (jr3slget.ini) in Chapter 2. Definition Files.

The following describes the target information argument:

-server SAP-instance-name

Specifies as 1-20 single-byte alphanumeric characters the name of the SAP instance that is collecting system log information. You can specify only one SAP instance name. To check the SAP instance name, use transaction code SM50 or SM66.

-lasttime timestamp-file-name

If only the system log information that was output after the previous command execution is to be extracted, this option specifies the name of the timestamp file used for managing the previous extraction time.

The permitted value is 1-255 single-byte characters.

If you specify a relative path, make sure that it is relative to the work directory for the command. If you have not specified a work directory for the command in the WORKDIR label of the COMMAND section in the environment parameters file, specify the path relative to the current directory.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the period from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 on the command execution date.

If the specified timestamp file does not exist the first time the command is executed with this argument specified, a new timestamp file is created. System log information is not output during such a first-time execution.


Specifies the output destination of the system log information. When you omit this argument, system log information separated by linefeed codes is output to the standard output.

There are two different file formats used by JP1/IM - Agent to output system log information as described below.

  • WRAP1

    This file is in wraparound format, which means that data is overwritten when the amount of system log Information reaches a specified value. Only one output file can be specified when using this format.

  • WRAP2

    In this file format, when the amount of system log Information reaches a specified value, data is deleted from the file and then new data is written from the beginning of the file. When the amount of data in the first file reaches a specified value, new data is written in the second file, starting at the top, after all existing data is deleted from the second file. When all of the files are full, new data is again written in the first file, starting at the top, after all existing data is deleted from the first file.

    There can be two through nine output files when using this format. The default is 5 output files. The number of output files is specified in the NUM label in the EXTRACTFILE section in the environment parameters file.

If you want to change the format of output files, first stop any products monitoring the output files, and then delete the output files and their management files (if there is any).

The following describes the output destination argument:

-x The-name-of-the-storage-file-in-WRAP1-format

Specifies the relative or full path name of the WRAP1-format file to which system log information is to be output. The permitted value is 1 through 251 bytes of single-byte characters.

If you specify a relative path, make sure that it is relative to the work directory for the command. If you have not specified a work directory for the command in the WORKDIR label of the COMMAND section in the environment parameters file, specify the path relative to the current directory.

There is a header line of management information at the beginning of this file.

The default file size is 1024 kilobytes. To change the file size, use the SIZE label in the EXTRACTFILE section of the environment parameters file.

A management file having the name output-file-name.ofs is created in the same directory as for the output file. For example, if SYSLOG is specified as the output file name, a management file named SYSLOG.ofs is created in addition to the SYSLOG file. If you delete the output file, you must also delete this management file.

The -x, -x2, and -xw options are mutually exclusive.

-xw The-prefix-for-the-storage-files-in-WRAP2-format

Specifies the name of WRAP2-format file in which system log information is to be stored. The permitted value is 1 through 254 bytes of single-byte characters. For the actual file name, a one-byte number is added at the end of the specified file name.

A number in the range from 1 through NUM label value is assigned to the specified file name based on the value specified in the NUM label in the EXTRACTFILE section in the environment parameters file. For example, if SYSLOG is specified, storage files SYSLOG1 through SYSLOG5 are created by default.

If you specify a relative path, specify a path relative to the command's working directory. If no working directory is specified for commands in the WORKDIR label of the COMMAND section in the environment parameters file, specify a path relative to the current directory.

The default file size is 10,240 kilobytes. If you want to change the file size, specify a new size in the SIZE label in the EXTRACTFILE section in the environment parameters file.

The -xw, -x, and -x2 options are mutually exclusive.


Specifies that system log information is to be output to the file that was specified in the X2PATH label in the EXTRACTFILE section in the environment parameters file.

The -x2, -x, and -xw options are mutually exclusive.

-cnf environment-parameters-file-name

Specifies the name of the environment parameters file that is to be referenced by the command. The permitted value is 1-255 bytes of single-byte characters.

If you specify a relative path, make sure that it is relative to the current directory for the command.

If you omit this argument, the system assumes jr3slget.ini, which is the default environment parameters file in the current directory. If there is no default environment parameters file, JP1/IM - Agent assumes the default settings for an environment parameters file.

For details about the environment parameters file and the default settings, see Environment parameters file for jr3slget command (jr3slget.ini) in Chapter 2. Definition Files.


Specified that the usage of the jr3slget command is to be displayed at the standard output.


Specifies that a message indicating the processing status of the jr3slget command is to be output to the standard output. If you omit this option, no message indicating the processing status of the command will be output.

SAP users used for establishing connection

To collect system log information, the jr3slget command executes the external management interfaces defined in the SAP system using RFC (communication protocol of SAP AG). Therefore, you must provide in advance the users who are to be used by the jr3slget command for establishing connection in the SAP system. This subsection describes the user types, passwords, and authorizations for the SAP users who are created in the SAP system.

User types

The following types of SAP users can be used by JP1/IM - Agent:

  • Dialog

  • System

  • Communication

  • Service

Characters permitted for passwords

Define passwords for the SAP users. A password can consist of single-byte numeric characters (from 0 to 9), single-byte alphabetic characters (from a to z, A to Z), and the following single-byte symbols:

!, @, $, %, &, /, (, ), =, ?, ', `, *, +, ~, #, -, _, ., :, {, [, ], }, <, >, |

Required authorizations

You must set the following authorizations (authorization objects) for the users:

  • Authorizations required for a user to establish RFC connection with function modules (S_RFC)

  • Authorizations required in order to use external management interfaces (S_XMI_PROD)

For the value of each authorization, assign a value shown in the tables below or use the built-in configurations (S_RFC_ALL and S_XMI_ADMIN) that specify an asterisk (*) for all items.

Table 1‒55: Authorizations required for a user to establish RFC connection with function modules (S_RFC)





Type of RFC object to be protected

FUGR (function group)


RFC name to be protected




16 (execution)

Table 1‒56: Authorizations required in order to use external management interfaces (S_XMI_PROD)





Company name of the external management tool



Program name of the external management tool



Interface ID



To use the remote monitoring function, you have to specify information (host name, instance name, etc.) regarding the SAP system to be monitored for the following settings: the RFC connection information or target information to be specified as a command argument, and the CONNECT section in the environment parameters file.

Output format and contents

The command extracts the system log information (including parameter record rows) that can be verified by transaction code SM21 in the SAP system.

The following is the default output format for system log information, where < > enclose a field ID:


If the value of a system log information item is shorter than the predefined field length, the remaining area is padded with single-byte spaces. The following table lists and explains the values that are output:

Table 1‒57: System log information that is output

Field ID


Length (bytes)


Time the message was recorded (HH:MM:SS)



Server that recorded the message



User who recorded the message



Program that recorded the message



Message number



Message text


Return value


Normal termination

1 or greater

Abnormal termination


This example outputs the system log information for the o246bci_SD5_00 SAP instance. The RFC connection information has already been defined in the environment parameters file.

jr3slget -server o246bci_SD5_00

The output example from this command is as follows:
