
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

jp1cf_setup_cluster (UNIX only)

Organization of this page


This command sets up an environment for IM Configuration Management when you are operating in a cluster system.

This cluster setup for IM Configuration Management applies to both the primary node and the standby node of the logical host. When the -d option is specified, the command sets up the primary node; when the -d option is omitted, the command sets up the secondary node.

The following table lists and describes the settings for the primary and secondary nodes.

Table 1‒50: Settings for the primary and secondary nodes

Host where command is executed

Setting item

Overview of setting

Primary node

Common definition settings for the logical host

Use the jbsgetcnf and jbssetcnf commands to set the common definitions of IM Configuration Management for the physical host to also be the common definitions for the logical host. Some information (such as directory names) must be changed.

Creating the shared directory

Create the required directories under the shared directory.

Copying the definition files

Copy the definition files from /opt/jp1imm/conf/imcf to the directories under shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imcf.

Setting startup of IM Configuration Management for the instance of Central Console on the logical host

Use the jcoimdef command to set IM Configuration Management Service to start according to process management of the instance of Central Console on the logical host.

Changing the communication method for IM Configuration Management on the physical host

Change the communication method for IM Configuration Management on the physical host to the IP binding method.

Secondary node

Changing the communication method on the physical host

Same as above

Setting the common definitions

Cluster setup of IM Configuration Management sets the values shown below in the common definitions for the logical host.

Table 1‒51: Common definitions for the logical host


Key name













Creating the shared directory

Cluster setup of IM Configuration Management creates the directories shown below. Appropriate permissions are set for the created directories. Do not change the set permissions of the directories.

Table 1‒52: Directories created when the jp1cf_setup_cluster command is executed

Type of files to be stored


Definition files


Log files


Temporary files


Data for the system hierarchy and profiles


Setting startup of IM Configuration Management for the instance of Central Console on the logical host

Execute the jcoimdef command to add the IM Configuration Management startup settings to the process management of the instance of Central Console on the same logical host.

Changing the communication method for IM Configuration Management on the physical host

Cluster setup of IM Configuration Management changes the communication method for the physical host to the IP binding method by changing the value of JP1_BIND_ADDR under the JP1_DEFAULT\JP1CONFIG\ common definition to IP.


jp1cf_setup_cluster  -h logical-host-name
                     [-d shared-directory-name]

Execution permission

Superuser permissions

Storage directory



-h logical-host-name

When you are operating in a cluster system, this option specifies the logical host name of the host where the command is executed. The command reorganizes the database for the specified logical host. The permitted length is from 1 to 63 bytes characters. If this option is omitted, an error results.

-d shared-directory-name

Specifies the shared directory for the logical host in order to set up the primary node. When this option is omitted, the command sets up the secondary node. The permitted length is from 1 to 165 bytes characters.

Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination
