
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference


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This command uninstalls Intelligent Integrated Management Database and Trend Data Management Service (uninstall and delete the database).

Execute this command before stopping the use of Intelligent Integrated Management Database or re-creating Intelligent Integrated Management Database. If you want to uninstall both Physical host and Logical host, you must Execute them on each host.


jimgndbunsetup  [-h logical-host-name -c {online|standby}]

The command arguments are in no particular order.

Execution permission

In Windows: Administrator permissions (if the Windows UAC feature is enabled, the command is executed from the administrator console)

In Linux: Superuser permissions

Storage directory

In Windows:


In Linux:



-h logical-host-name

When operating on a clustered system, specify the logical host name of the host on which the command is executed. For the logical host name, specify the logical host name set in JP1/Base exactly, including uppercase and lowercase letters.

Intelligent Integrated Management Database corresponding to the specified Logical host will be uninstalled. If you are not using a cluster system, you do not need to specify it.

Note that JP1_DEFAULT cannot be specified for the logical host name.

-c {online|standby}

Specify the setup type of the execution system and standby system of the cluster configuration as required. The following are the setup types that you can specify:

  • online

    Specify to set up an execution system.

  • standby

    Specify to set up a standby system.

    Only uninstall Intelligent Integrated Management Database and skip delete of the database.

If you specify standby for -c option on both execute system and the standby system, delete of the database is not performed. In such cases, you must manually delete the database. You can check delete targets in KNAN12108-I Message.

Also, when operating a logical host in a non-clustered environment, specify online.


Specifies that the command is to be executed without user confirmation.

Return values


Normal termination


Abnormal termination


Canceled by user (if you enter N/n in KNAN12009-Q Message and Stopped the operation)


Intelligent Integrated Management database not set up

Log output

This command outputs the following trace log for each process: The integrated trace log is not output.

