
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference


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This command outputs to a CSV file information about the JP1 events registered in the integrated monitoring database. Only one instance of this command can be executing at the same time.

The jcoevtreport command can output JP1 event information to a CSV file as long as the IM database service is running, even if the integrated monitoring database is disabled or Central Console is not running.


Because the jcoevtreport command acquires an event from the integrated monitoring database, operations such as searching for events from JP1/IM - View, switching response statuses, and acquiring events from JP1/IM - Manager are affected. Therefore, if the jcoevtreport command is executed when many events are running, other processes of JP1/IM - View or JP1/IM - Manager are delayed, and overall operation might be affected. If you want to execute the jcoevtreport command, do so during a time when it will not affect operation.

For details about the CSV output format, see 4.15.2 Saving event information in the integrated monitoring database (CSV report) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

The command outputs error information to standard error, such as invalid definitions or a file size that exceeds the maximum value.

The following table describes the output functions.



Output of event report

Function that outputs to a CSV file information about the JP1 events registered in the integrated monitoring database

Output of maintenance information

Function that outputs all information about the JP1 events registered between an output start date/time and an output end date/time in the event of an integrated monitoring database failure


Function that saves JP1 event information from the output of event report function before the information is deleted from the integrated monitoring database

Output-and-save status display

Function that displays the size and percentage of the JP1 events in the integrated monitoring database that have not been output and saved (percentage representing the ratio between the events that have not been output and the maximum number of records in the integrated monitoring database), as well as the deletion warning notification level


Output of event report
jcoevtreport [-h logical-host-name]
             [-o output-file-name]
              -s output-start-date -e output-end-date
             [-f filter-file-name-for-output-of-event-report]
             [-k item-file-name-for-output-of-event-report]
             [-t {ON|OFF}]
             [-a {EVTATTR|DISP}]
Output of maintenance information
jcoevtreport [-h logical-host-name]
             [-o output-file-name]
              -s output-start-date -e output-end-date
jcoevtreport [-h logical-host-name]
             [-o output-file-name]
             [-t {ON|OFF}]
             [-a {EVTATTR|DISP}]
Output-and-save status display
jcoevtreport [-h logical-host-name]

Execution permission

In Windows: Administrator permissions (if the Windows UAC feature is enabled, the command is executed from the administrator console)

In UNIX: Superuser permissions

Storage directory

In Windows:





-h logical-host-name

When you are operating in a cluster system, this option specifies the logical host name of the host that executes the command. The command acquires JP1 event information from the integrated monitoring database that is running at the specified logical host and performs output of event reports, output of maintenance information, output-and-save, or output-and-save status display. If this option is omitted, the logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is assumed. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the physical host name is assumed. If you are not using a cluster system, specification of this option is not needed.

-o output-file-name

Specifies the relative or absolute path name of the CSV file to which the JP1 event information acquired from the integrated monitoring database is to be output.

If you specify a file name that begins with a hyphen (-), use a relative or absolute path that includes a directory (such as ./-hoge) in order to distinguish the file name from an option. The permitted file name is a maximum of 250 bytes including the path.

Note that the following characters cannot be specified in a file name in Windows:

  • Characters: : ? " < > |

  • A character string that completely matches any of the following strings (not case sensitive): CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9

The following describes the relationship between the specified output file name and the file name that is actually created.

Event information in the integrated monitoring database is output to a CSV file named output-file-name_serial-number.csv. The serial number is a number from 000 to 999. A maximum of 50,000 event information items can be output to a file. If a file with the same name already exists, the command does not overwrite the file. Instead, the command creates a new file by incrementing the serial number until an unused file name is obtained. If the serial number exceeds 999, the command ends without creating a file. If this option is omitted, the command outputs a CSV file named jcoevtreport_serial-number.csv to the current directory.

If the current directory (.) or the root directory (/) is specified in the file name, the command handles it as shown below:

-o argument




._xxx.csv is created in the current directory.

_xxx.csv is created in the current directory.


_xxx.csv is created in the root directory.

_xxx.csv is created in the root directory.

"" (null character)

_xxx.csv is created in the current directory.

Insufficient argument error

-s output-start-date

Specifies the start date/time of the event arrival time that is used for outputting events.

The specification format is YYYYMMDDhhmmss.

The specified date/time must be within the period from 1970/01/01 00:00:00 to 2099/12/31 23:59:59 (GMT). When the time zone of the host on which the command is executed is Japan, the period is (GMT + 9:00) 1970/01/01 09:00:00 to 2099/12/31 23:59:59.

-e output-end-date

Specifies the end date/time of the event arrival time that is used for outputting events .

The specification format is YYYYMMDDhhmmss.

The specified date/time must be within the same period as for the -s option.

-k item-file-name-for-output-of-event-report

Specifies the relative or absolute path name of the item file name for output of event report.

If you specify a file name that begins with a hyphen (-), use a relative or absolute path that includes a directory (such as ./-hoge) in order to distinguish the file name from an option.

For details about the format of the item file for event report output, see Item file in Chapter 2. Definition Files.

-f filter-file-name-for-output-of-event-report

Specifies the name of a filter file in relative or absolute path format.

If you specify a file name that begins with a hyphen (-), use a relative or absolute path that includes a directory (such as ./-hoge) in order to distinguish the file name from an option.

For details about the filter file formats, see Filter file in Chapter 2. Definition Files.

-t {ON|OFF}

Specifies whether the registration time, arrival time, and START_TIME and END_TIME (common information for the extended attributes) are to be output in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmss or in absolute time in seconds.

  • ON: Specifies that the registration time, arrival time, and START_TIME and END_TIME (common information for the extended attributes) are to be output in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmss (i.e., they are to be converted from absolute time in seconds from January 1, 1970, to the calendar format YYYYMMDDhhmmss).

  • OFF: Specifies that the time is not to be converted to the calendar format.

This option takes precedence over the item file specification.

ON and OFF are not case sensitive.


Specifies the output format for the header. If the -a option is omitted, no header is output.

When EVTATTR is specified, the command displays attribute names (such as B.ID and E.SEVERITY); when DISP is specified, the command displays item names (such as event ID and severity).

EVTATTR and DISP are not case sensitive.

If DISP is specified in the -a option, the character string to be output varies according to the value set for the LANG environment variable. Note that the LANG environment variable that is used to display the character string in the header depends on the OS. In Windows, the language of the header character string will be the language of the OS. In UNIX, the LANG environment variable that is used is the variable of the prompt where the command is executed.

In addition, when program-specific extended attributes and user-defined item names are specified in the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file), you can assign one column per attribute for output to a CSV file, in the same way as for basic attributes and common extended attributes. You can also output the names of attributes and specified items to the header. For details about the CSV output format, see 4.15.2 Saving event information in the integrated monitoring database (CSV report) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Specify whether you want to enable the function for assigning a column to each program-specific extended attribute for output in the environment definition file for event report output (evtreport.conf). For details, see Environment definition file for event report output (evtreport.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files.

The following table shows the character strings for the header that is output by the jcoevtreport command.

Table 1‒33: Header character string output by the jcoevtreport command



LANG is Japanese

LANG is English


Serial number

Serial number


Event ID

Event ID


Source process ID

Source process ID


Registered time

Registered time


Arrived time

Arrived time


Registered reason

Registered reason


Source user ID

Source user ID


Source group ID

Source group ID


Source user name

Source user name


Source group name

Source group name


Registered host name

Source event server name


Destination event server name

Destination event server name


Source IP address

Source IP address


Destination IP address

Destination IP address


Source serial number

Source serial number


Code set

Code set





Event level

Event level


User name

User name


Product name

Product name


Object type

Object type


Object name

Object name


Root object type

Root object type


Root object name

Root object name


Object ID

Object ID





Start time

Start time


End time

End time


Return code

Result code


Event source host name

Event source host


Relation Event serial number

Relation Event serial number


Correlation event generation condition name

Correlation event generation condition name


Suppressed event ID

Suppressed event ID


Repeated event condition name

Repeated event condition name


Monitoring target name

Monitoring target name


Monitoring ID number

Monitoring ID number


Common exclude conditions group ID

Common exclude conditions group ID


Common exclude conditions group name

Common exclude conditions group name


Common exclude conditions group target-for-exclusion

Common exclude conditions group target-for-exclusion


Action type

Action type





Server event

Severe Event


Correlation event

Correlation event


Response-waiting event

Response-waiting event


Original severity level

Original Severity Level


New severity level

New Severity Level


Response status

Event status


Severe event released

Severe Event Released


Severe event deleted

Severe Event Deleted





Changed display message

Display Message


New display message

New Message


Display message change definition

Message change definition name


Item name#2

Item name#3

Program-specific extended attributes count

Number of program-specific extended attributes#4

Program-specific extended attributes count

Program-specific extended attributes

Program-specific extended attribute

Program-specific extended attribute

#1: The name of the attribute specified in the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) will be output.

#2: The Japanese name of the item specified in the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) will be output.

#3: The English name of the item specified in the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) will be output.

#4: The total number of program-specific extended attributes that are not specified in the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) will be output.


Specifies that an event report on the JP1 events registered in the integrated monitoring database is to be output.

The -user option is optional.

If you omit all of the -user, -sys, -save, and -showsv options, the output of event report function is assumed.


Specifies that maintenance information on the JP1 events registered in the integrated monitoring database is to be output.


Specifies that all JP1 events in the integrated monitoring database that have not been output and saved are to be output and saved.


The following items are output.

Display item


Percentage of the events that have not been output

The percentage of the JP1 events in the integrated monitoring database that have not been saved and output (percentage representing the ratio between the events that have not been output and the maximum number of records in the integrated monitoring database) is displayed.

Size of the events that have not been output

The data size of the JP1 events in the integrated monitoring database that have not been saved and output is displayed in megabytes.

The displayed size is the data size in the integrated monitoring database. For CSV output, capacity equivalent to the displayed size of the events that were not output × 1.2 is required.

Deletion warning notification level setting

The value set for the deletion warning notification is displayed.

If deletion warning notification is disabled, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Return values


Normal termination


Invalid option or argument


Invalid filter


Invalid item file


Report output processing error


Execution permission error (Windows only)


Concurrent execution error


Serial number of the output file has reached the maximum value


Integrated monitoring database has not been set up


IM database service is not running


Error occurred in the connection with the IM database service


Memory shortage occurred


System error


Before executing the command in Windows, in case of existing the Application Experience service, make sure that the startup type of the Application Experience service is not set to Disabled.

Example 1

Output to a report the events that arrived at the manager from 2008/06/01 12:00:00 to 2009/01/01/00:00:00:

jcoevtreport -s 20080601120000 -e 20090101000000 -user

Example 2

Set report_xxx.csv as the output destination and output an event report on the JP1 events dated from 2009/07/08 08:45:00 to 2009/07/14 17:15:00:

jcoevtreport -s 20090708084500 -e 20090714171500 -o report

Example 3

Set report_xxx.csv as the output destination and output maintenance information on the JP1 events dated from 2009/07/08 08:45:00 to 2009/07/14 17:15:00:

jcoevtreport -sys -s 20090708084500 -e 20090714171500 -o report

Example 4

Set report_xxx.csv as the output destination and perform output-and-save:

jcoevtreport -save -o report

Example 5

Displays the output-and-save status:

jcoevtreport -showsv