
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference


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This command takes the Intelligent Integrated Management Base client information (client IDs and client secrets) registered with the OpenID provider for OpenID authentication linkage, and sets it in JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base).

The client IDs and client secrets are used to authenticate the Intelligent Integrated Management Base clients registered with the OpenID provider. In order for this to work, this command must be executed prior to starting JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base).

Format 1

jddsetopinfo {-list|-add -provider OpenID-provider-name -id client-ID -secret client-secret|-rm -provider OpenID-provider-name} [-h logical-host-name]

Format 2

jddsetopinfo -list [-h logical-host-name]

Format 3

jddsetopinfo -add -provider OpenID-provider-name -id client-ID -secret client-secret [-h logical-host-name]

Format 4

jddsetopinfo -rm -provider OpenID-provider-name [-h logical-host-name]

Execution permission

In Windows: Administrator permissions (If the Windows UAC feature is enabled, the command is executed from the administrator console)

In UNIX: Superuser permissions

Storage directory

In Windows:






Specify this option to collect the client information registered with OpenID providers that is set in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base.

The only option you can specify along with this option is the -h option.


Specify this option to add the client information registered with OpenID providers to the Intelligent Integrated Management Base or update such client information that is set in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base. If you specify this option, the specification of the -provider, -id, and -secret options is mandatory. Without these options specified, the error message KAJY02011-E is output. This option cannot be specified along with any other options.


Specify this option to delete the client information registered with OpenID providers from the Intelligent Integrated Management Base. If you specify this option, the specification of the -provider option is mandatory. Without this option specified, the error message KAJY02011-E is output.

This option cannot be specified along with options other than the -provider and -h options.

-provider OpenID-provider

Specify the OpenID provider name. The value you specify here must be the <key-name-of-the-OpenID-provider> that you have set as an OpenID provider definition inside the Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file ( For details, see Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file ( in Chapter 2. Definition Files.

This option cannot be specified along with the -list option.

-id client-ID

Specify the client ID. The characters you specify here must conform to the specifications set out by the applicable OpenID provider.

This option cannot be specified along with options other than the -list and -rm options.

-secret client-secret

Specify the client secret for the client ID specified with the -id option. The characters you specify here must conform to the specifications set out by the applicable OpenID provider.

This option cannot be specified along with options other than the -list and -rm options.

-h logical-host-name

Specify the logical host name when JP1/IM is running in a cluster system. When you omit this option, the command assumes that the logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is set. When the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the command assumes that the physical host name is set.


Return values


Normal termination


Failed to establish exclusive control


Invalid argument


Invalid logical host name


Failed to specify the setting


The specified OpenID provider's client information does not exist


No execution permission for the jddsetopinfo command


System error

Example 1

Collect the client information registered with OpenID providers that is set in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base:

jddsetopinfo -list
KAJY02009-I The command (jddsetopinfo) has started.
KAJY02010-I The command (jddsetopinfo) terminates normally.

Example 2

Add the client information registered with the OpenID provider to the Intelligent Integrated Management Base or update such information that is set in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base:

jddsetopinfo -add -provider okta -id id001 -secret SECRET
KAJY02009-I The command (jddsetopinfo) has started.
KAJY02010-I The command (jddsetopinfo) terminates normally.

Check the current status.

jddsetopinfo -list
KAJY02009-I The command (jddsetopinfo) has started.
KAJY02010-I The command (jddsetopinfo) terminates normally.

Example 3

Delete the client information registered with the OpenID provider from the Intelligent Integrated Management Base:

jddsetopinfo -rm -provider okta
KAJY02009-I The command (jddsetopinfo) has started.
KAJY02010-I The command (jddsetopinfo) terminates normally.

Check the current status.

jddsetopinfo -list
KAJY02009-I The command (jddsetopinfo) has started.
KAJY02010-I The command (jddsetopinfo) terminates normally.