
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference


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Adds or deletes the profile of a remote monitoring log file trap on the specified monitored host. Specifying the -f option adds the profile, and specifying the -d option deletes the profile.

If an added profile has the same monitoring name as an existing profile on the specified monitored host, the action definition file is overwritten whether the profile is running or has stopped.

This command can be executed only when the profile specified for deletion has stopped.

To perform a batch reload, use the jcfallogdef command to overwrite multiple running remote monitoring log file traps, and then use the jcfallogreload command to batch-reload the profiles.

Note that a maximum of five commands can be executed concurrently.

The following conditions must be satisfied to execute this command:


        -a monitoring-name
        -o monitored-host-name
        [-h logical-host-name]
        {-f remote-monitoring-log-file-trap-action-definition-file-name
            -c character-encoding
            [-filter filter]
            [-m maximum-length-of-data-treated-as-event (bytes)]
            [-p log-data-output-source-program-name]
            [-t file-monitoring-interval (seconds)]
            log-file-name1 [...log-file-name32] |

Execution permission

In Windows: Administrator permissions

In UNIX: Superuser permissions

Storage directory

In Windows:





-a monitoring-name

Specifies the monitoring name used to identify a remote monitoring log file trap.

Specify a character string with a maximum of 30 bytes for the monitoring name. Alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underlines can be used. The first character must be an alphanumeric character. The monitoring name is not case sensitive.

A paired monitoring name and monitored host must be unique, and cannot be the same as another pair specified by jcfallogstart. Note, however, that the same monitoring name as the one specified by jevlogstart of JP1/Base can be used.

-o monitored-host-name

Specifies the name of the monitored host for a remote monitoring log file trap to which you want to add or from which you want to delete a profile.

-h logical-host-name

Specifies the name of the logical host on which you want to execute the command. If this option is omitted, the logical host name specified for the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is set. If no logical host name is set for JP1_HOSTNAME, the physical host name is set.

-f remote-monitoring-log-file-trap-action-definition-file-name

Specifies the name of an action definition file.

Specify the action definition file name as a full path or a relative path from the current directory with a maximum of 256 bytes. When specifying a relative path, do so in such a way that the full-path name with the directory name will be no more than 256 bytes.

The action definition file can be placed in any directory, and any file name can be specified.

-c character-encoding

Specifies the character encoding of a log file. This option can be specified only when the -f option is specified.

You can specify the following character encodings.

Table 1‒8: Character codes






  • SJIS

    When SJIS is specified, SJIS/Ja_JP is set.

  • SJIS/Ja_JP

  • SJIS/Ja_JP.IBM-932

  • EUC

    When EUC is specified, EUC/ja_JP is set.

  • EUC/ja_JP

  • EUC/ja_JP.IBM-eucJP

  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/JA_JP is set.

  • UTF-8/JA_JP

  • UTF-8/JA_JP.UTF-8

  • C

  • C

  • GB18030

    When GB18030 is specified, GB18030/Zh_CN.GB18030 is set.

  • GB18030/Zh_CN.GB18030

  • GB18030/Zh_CN

  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/ZH_CN is set.

  • UTF-8/ZH_CN

  • UTF-8/ZH_CN.UTF-8

  • C


  • SJIS

    When SJIS is specified, SJIS/ja_JP.SJIS is set.


  • SJIS/japanese

  • EUC

    When EUC is specified, EUC/ja_JP.eucJP is set.

  • EUC/ja_JP.eucJP

  • EUC/japanese.euc

  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/ja_JP.utf8 is set.

  • UTF-8/ja_JP.utf8

  • C

  • C

  • GB18030

    When GB18030 is specified, GB18030/zh_CN.gb18030 is set.

  • GB18030/zh_CN.gb18030

  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/zh_CN.utf8 is set.

  • UTF-8/zh_CN.utf8

  • C


  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/ja_JP.UTF-8 is set.

  • UTF-8/ja_JP.UTF-8

  • UTF-8/ja_JP.utf8

  • SJIS#1

    If SJIS is specified, SJIS/ja_JP.sjis is set.

  • SJIS/ja_JP.sjis#1

  • SJIS/ja_JP.SJIS#1

  • C

  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 is set.

  • UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

  • UTF-8/en_US.utf8

  • C

  • GB18030

    When GB18030 is specified, GB18030/zh_CN.gb18030 is set.

  • GB18030/zh_CN.gb18030

  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/zh_CN.utf8 is set.

  • UTF-8/zh_CN.utf8

  • C


  • EUC

    When EUC is specified, EUC/ja is set.

  • EUC/ja

  • EUC/japanese

  • EUC/ja_JP.eucJP

  • SJIS

    When SJIS is specified, SJIS/ja_JP.PCK is set.

  • SJIS/ja_JP.PCK

  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/ja_JP.UTF-8 is set.

  • UTF-8/ja_JP.UTF-8

  • C

  • C

  • GB18030

    When GB18030 is specified, GB18030/zh_CN.GB18030 is set.

  • GB18030/zh_CN.GB18030

  • GB18030/zh_CN.GB18030@pinyin

  • GB18030/zh_CN.GB18030@radical

  • GB18030/zh_CN.GB18030@stroke

  • UTF-8

    When UTF-8 is specified, UTF-8/zh.UTF-8 is set.

  • UTF-8/zh.UTF-8

  • UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8

  • UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8@pinyin

  • UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8@radical

  • UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8@stroke

  • C


  • SJIS

  • SJIS#2

  • C

  • GB18030


Valid only when the monitored OS is SUSE Linux.


If the product runs on an English OS, the character encoding is C even if you specify SJIS for the character encoding.

-filter filter

Specifies a filter, when filters have already been set, that uses regular expressions to filter log files obtained on a remotely monitored host.

When this option is specified, only log data that matches the specified regular expressions is transferred to the manager. Specify this option to control the amount of log file data that is transferred from a remotely monitored host to the manager.

This option can be specified only when the -f option is specified.

This option is valid only when the OS on the remotely monitored host is UNIX. As a prerequisite condition, the grep command must be able to be executed over a SSH connection. When the OS on the remotely monitored host is Windows and this option is specified, it is ignored.

The regular expression formats that can be specified are the same as the formats of the extended regular expressions that can be specified in the -E option for the grep command on the remotely monitored host. No environment variables can be used.

Specify a character string with a maximum of 128 bytes for regular expressions. Characters that can be specified in the string are ', ", <, >, alphanumeric characters (excluding control characters), spaces, and symbols. If the character string contains a space, the entire string must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").

Path examples for the grep command are given below. For details, see the documentation about the grep command in the applicable OS.

  • For Linux: /bin/grep

  • For Solaris: /usr/xpg4/bin/grep

  • For an OS other than Linux and Solaris: /usr/bin/grep

-m maximum-length-of-data-treated-as-event (bytes)

Specifies the number of bytes to be read from the beginning of a line in a log file. From 1 to 1,024 bytes can be specified. If this option is omitted, 512 is set.

The last character in the line is converted to the \0 symbol and indicates the end of the line. If a line in a log file exceeds the number of bytes specified for this option, the last byte is converted to \0.

The value specified for this option indicates the valid length of a line in the entered log file. Therefore, ensure that the regular expressions in the MARKSTR parameter in the action definition file of a remote monitoring log file trap and the regular expressions in the ACTDEF parameter are within the length specified here. In short, if there are any regular expressions corresponding to a column that exceed the valid length, they are not checked.

-p log-data-output-source-program-name

Specifies the name of the program to which log data is output. The specified name is displayed in the Event Console window of JP1/IM - View.

The following names are displayed.

In Windows:




If this option is omitted, /HITACHI/JP1/NT_LOGTRAP is displayed for Windows and /HITACHI/JP1/UX_LOGTRAP is displayed for UNIX.


If this option is omitted and any of the following cases apply, the system tries to collect data at the interval specified in the -t option until the log data can be collected.

  • The remotely monitored host cannot be accessed when the remote monitoring log file trap starts.

  • The remotely monitored host cannot be accessed while the remote monitoring log file trap is running

  • The log file that is to be monitored cannot be accessed when the remote monitoring log file trap starts

  • The log file that is to be monitored cannot be accessed while the remote monitoring log file trap is running

Specify the -r option for the following cases:

  • The remotely monitored host can be accessed after the remote monitoring log file trap starts.

  • The log file that is to be monitored is created after a remote monitoring log file trap starts.

  • You want to continue monitoring the remotely monitored host even if it cannot be accessed.

If this option is omitted, one or the other of the following occurs:

  • If the log file that is to be monitored cannot be obtained when the remote monitoring log file trap starts, the startup process stops and processing terminates.

  • If the log file that is to be monitored cannot be collected while it is running, retry is attempted for the number of times specified in the action definition file for the log file trap at the interval specified in the file.

-t file-monitoring-interval (seconds)

Specifies the file monitoring interval. A value from 60 to 86,400 (seconds) can be specified. If this option is omitted, 300 is set.

When a log file in WRAP2 format is monitored

If wrap-around is performed frequently or a long monitoring interval is specified, the remote monitoring log file trap is overwritten before it reads data, causing some data to be lost. To prevent unread data, use the following formula for the monitoring interval:

log-file-size (bytes) × number-of-log-files > output-size-per-second (bytes) × monitoring-interval (seconds)

log-file-name1 [...log-file-name32]

Specifies the names of the log files to be monitored. Specify a character string with a maximum of 256 bytes for a log file name. If the monitored host OS is Windows, use the network path name without the host name for specification. If the OS is UNIX, use the full-path name. Note that wildcard characters cannot be specified for a log file to be monitored.

For a monitored host running UNIX, only log files with file paths consisting of alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), and slashes (/) can be monitored. File paths that include any other characters might not be monitored correctly.

A maximum of 32 files, and the following file formats, can be specified:

  • Sequential file (SEQ)

  • Sequential file (SEQ2)

  • Wrap around file (WRAP2)


Deletes the profile of a remote monitoring log file trap.

Because specifying this option deletes the remote monitoring log file trap from the profile tree, a message is displayed to confirm that there is no problem.


If this option is specified, no confirmation message is displayed when the -d option is specified. If -d option is not specified, this option is ignored.


Return values


Addition or deletion successful


Invalid argument


Unable to connect to the server


Invalid host information


The specified monitoring name is already running (when the -d option is specified)


Profile threshold value exceeded


Error in obtaining exclusive edit rights


Invalid DB


Invalid permission


Input/output error


Upper limit for number of concurrent executions reached


Internal error

Other values

Other error

Example 1

Add a profile on host1:

jcfallogdef -a name1 -o host1 -f actionDefinition.conf -c SJIS -filter ".*-E" /log/sample.log

Example 2

Delete a profile on host1:

jcfallogdef -a name1 -o host1 -d -q