
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference

jcfaleltdef (Windows only)

Organization of this page


Defines the profile of a remote monitoring event log trap on the specified monitored host. The definition is overwritten whether the profile on the specified monitored host is running or has stopped.

To perform a batch reload, use the jcfaleltdef command to overwrite multiple running remote monitoring event log traps, and then use the jcfaleltreload command to batch-reload the profiles.

Note that a maximum of five commands can be executed concurrently.

The following conditions must be satisfied to execute this command:


jcfaleltdef -f remote-monitoring-event-log-trap-action-definition-file-name
            -o monitored-host-name
            [-filter filter]
            [-h logical-host-name]

Execution permission

Administrator permissions

Storage directory



-f remote-monitoring-event-log-trap-action-definition-file-name

Specifies the name of an action definition file.

Specify the action definition file name as the full path or a relative path from the current directory with a maximum of 256 bytes. When specifying a relative path, do so in such a way that the full-path name with the directory name will not be more than 256 bytes.

The action definition file can be placed in any directory, and any file name can be specified.

-o monitored-host-name

Specifies the name of the monitored host for a remote monitoring event log trap whose profile you want to define. Note that the OS on the monitored host must be Windows.

-filter filter

Specifies the log type to filter on when the system has been set up to collect only event logs from a remotely monitored host.

When this option is specified, only event logs that match the specified log type are transferred to the manager. Specify this option to control the amount of log file data that is transferred from a remotely monitored host to the manager.

Use a character string in the following table to specify the log type. Note that the character strings are not case sensitive.

Specifiable log type

Log type of event logs to be filtered


Error, Critical




Information, Verbose


Security Audit Success


Security Audit Failure

To specify multiple log types, use a comma (,) as a separator. Do not insert a space before or after the comma.

-h logical-host-name

Specifies the name of the logical host on which you want to execute the command. If this option is omitted, the logical host name specified for the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is set. If no logical host name is set for JP1_HOSTNAME, the physical host name is set.

Return values


Addition successful


Invalid argument


Unable to connect to the server


Invalid host information


Error in obtaining exclusive edit rights


Invalid DB


Invalid permission


Input/output error


Upper limit for number of concurrent executions reached


Internal error

Other value

Other error

Example 1

Add a profile on host1:

jcfaleltdef -f actionDefinition.conf -o host1

Example 2

Filter to obtain only the error, warning, and failed-audit event logs when a profile has been added on host1:

jcfaleltdef -f actionDefinition.conf -o host1 -filter Error,Warning,Audit_failure