
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference


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This command checks the definitions of automated actions. If the definitions span multiple automated action definition files, the command merges the files into one file. When multiple automated action definition files are to be merged, the command uses the version of the action definition file and the automated action status monitoring parameter that apply to the first file that is loaded.

The checking and merging results are output to standard output. The command checks the output results and creates the automated action definition file.

If the command detects errors during checking, it outputs error messages to standard error.

An automated action definition parameter in a specified automated action definition file that exceeds the maximum size is not output to standard output. For details about the size of an automated action definition parameter, see Automated action definition file (actdef.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files.

If a file contains no definition parameters or contains only comments, an error results.


jcamakea [-h logical-host-name]automated-action-definition-file-name-1 [...automated-action-definition-file-name-100]

Execution permission

In Windows: Administrator permissions (if the Windows UAC feature is enabled, the command is executed from the administrator console)

In UNIX: Superuser permissions

Storage directory

In Windows:





-h logical-host-name

When you are operating in a cluster system, this option specifies the logical host name of the host that contains the regular expressions to be used to check the contents of the definition files that are to be converted. The command checks the contents of the definition files to be converted using the regular expressions used by the specified logical host. The command also checks whether any automated action definition file exceeds the maximum file size according to the file size settings in the specified logical host. If this option is omitted, the logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is assumed. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the physical host name is assumed. If you are not using a cluster system, specification of this option is not needed.

automated-action-definition-file-name-1 [...automated-action-definition-file-name-100]

Specifies the relative or absolute path names of the files containing automated action definitions. You can specify a maximum of 100 files. Separate multiple file names with the space character. If the path name of an automated action definition file contains a space, enclose the entire path name in double quotation marks (").

A file name can consist of a maximum of 255 bytes.

Return values


Normal termination


Invalid argument


Format error or no permission


System error (in UNIX)


Insufficient memory (in UNIX)


File open error (in UNIX)


Logical error (in UNIX)


File open error (in UNIX)


File open error (in Windows)


Logical error (in Windows)


File input/output error (in Windows)


Insufficient memory (in Windows)


System error (in Windows)

When the command reads an action definition file in the format of version 08-50 or earlier, it sets one of the following return values:

0: Normal termination

Other than 0: Abnormal termination

If multiple errors occur, the return value is for the last error that occurred.


Merge automated action definition files /usr/console/action1 and /usr/console/action2 to create the automated action definition file /usr/console/actionx1:

jcamakea /usr/console/action1 /usr/console/action2 > /usr/console/actionx1