
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference

4.18 Auto-generation - Select Configuration window

The Auto-generation - Select Configuration window is used to select the configuration of the tree that will be generated automatically. This window is displayed when the user chooses Options from the menu bar of the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window and then Auto-generate Tree.

The following figure shows an example of the Auto-generation - Select Configuration window.

Figure 4‒27: Auto-generation - Select Configuration window


The following describes the items displayed in the Auto-generation - Select Configuration window.

Generation Tree

This list box displays tree templates. The user uses one of these templates to generate a monitoring tree automatically in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.


When this button is clicked, JP1/IM - View collects definition information from the system as defined in the template selected in the list box, and then displays the definition information in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window. The existing monitoring tree displayed in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window is replaced by the new one.

Show Differences

When this button is clicked, JP1/IM - View collects definition information from the system as defined in the template selected in the list box, and adds the differential information to the current monitoring tree of JP1/IM - Manager. JP1/IM - View then replaces the monitoring tree in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window with the monitoring tree that includes the differential information.


When this button is clicked, JP1/IM - View collects definition information from the system as defined in the template selected in the list box, and generates a new monitoring tree from the collected information. JP1/IM - View then displays the new monitoring tree in addition to the existing one. The new monitoring tree is displayed under a monitoring group named NEW_TREE.