
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference

4.15 Monitoring Tree (Editing) window

The Monitoring Tree (Editing) window is used to set the monitoring nodes that are to be monitored in the Monitoring Tree window. When the settings specified in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window have been saved in the monitoring object database, the settings are applied to all the JP1/IM - View programs connected to JP1/IM - Manager. The Monitoring Tree (Editing) window is displayed when the user chooses Options from the menu bar of the Monitoring Tree window and then Edit Tree.

The following figure shows an example of the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

Figure 4‒23: Monitoring Tree (Editing) window


The following describes the items displayed in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

Tree display area

Displays the elements that make up the application system that is monitored in a tree structure. For details about the items displayed in the tree display area, see the explanation in 4.1 Overview of the Monitoring Tree window. Note that no virtual root node is displayed in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

Details display area

Displays the child nodes of a monitoring group selected in the tree display area or displays the details (node name and type) of a monitoring object selected in the tree display area. For details about the items displayed in the tree display area, see the explanation in 4.1 Overview of the Monitoring Tree window. The details display area is displayed in map mode when [Figure] is clicked and in the detailed view mode when [Figure] is clicked.

[Figure] (Move to Upper Monitoring Group button)

Clicking this button selects the parent node of a node selected in the tree display area. The focus moves to the parent node in the tree display area, and the details of the parent node are displayed in the details display area.

[Figure] (Icon View button)

Clicking this button switches the details display area to map mode, in which the information of the monitoring group or monitoring object selected in the tree display area is displayed in map format. Every time the user moves an icon, the new location of the icon is immediately saved. The locations of the icons placed in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window are reflected in the Monitoring Tree window displayed in map mode.

[Figure] (Detailed View button)

Clicking this button switches the details display area to list mode, in which the information of the monitoring group or monitoring object selected in the tree display area is displayed in list format.

[Figure] (Select Block button)

Clicking this button selects the icons of multiple monitoring groups or monitoring objects displayed in map mode at the same time. When this button is clicked, the user can draw a rectangle by dragging to enclose the icons. All the icons in the rectangle are selected. This button is disabled in list mode.

[Figure] (Set in Equal Intervals button)

Clicking this button resets the locations of the icons of monitoring groups or monitoring objects and aligns the icons at equal intervals. The locations of the icons placed in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window are reflected in the Monitoring Tree window displayed in map mode. This button is disabled in list mode.

Pop-up menu

The pop-up menu is displayed when the user right-clicks in the tree display area or details display area.

The following items appear on the pop-up menu only if specific conditions are met.

Background Image Settings

This item can be chosen if no icons have been selected in the Details display area in map mode and if the user right-clicks an area where there is no icon.

The background image in map mode is loaded.

Display Order

This item can be chosen if a check mark is displayed for Visual Icon display on the View menu. Even if multiple monitoring nodes have been selected, the user can choose this item.

The user can change the Display Order of the monitoring nodes by choosing the following commands:

  • Move to the foremost

    The selected monitoring node is displayed in front.

  • Move 1 level upward

    The selected monitoring node moves forward one position in the Display Order.

  • Move 1 level backward

    The selected monitoring node moves back one position in the Display Order.

  • Move to the backmost

    The selected monitoring node moves to the backmost position in the Display Order.

For details about other items appearing on the pop-up menu, see the explanations below of the corresponding menu items available from the menu bar.

The following table describes the items available from the menu bar of the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

Table 4‒6: Menu items available from the menu bar of the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window






Creates a new tree. The user can add nodes to the new tree by choosing Edit and then Create New Monitoring Node. A sequence number starting at 00000001 is assigned as a monitoring node ID to each node.

Open Tree

Loads a tree configuration file stored on the local computer. The version of the loaded tree configuration file is displayed in the title bar.

Save Tree

Saves the tree configuration information in a CSV tree configuration file on the local computer.

Acquire Tree from Server

Acquires tree configuration information from JP1/IM - Manager.

When the user chooses this command, the Login window opens. When the user logs in#, the monitoring tree of JP1/IM - Manager is acquired. The version of the monitoring object database in the JP1/IM - Manager from which the monitoring tree is acquired is displayed in the title bar.

This command is available only to users who belong to the JP1 resource group JP1_Console and have JP1_Console_Admin permission.

Update Server Tree

Saves the tree configuration information edited by using the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window in the monitoring object database of JP1/IM - Manager.

When the user chooses this command, the Login window opens. When the user logs in#, the tree configuration information of the tree currently displayed in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window is applied to the monitoring tree of JP1/IM - Manager.

This command is available only to users who belong to the JP1 resource group JP1_Console and have JP1_Console_Admin permission.

Save Login Information

If a check mark is displayed beside this command, the user's login information used for the first login has been saved. As a result, when the user connects to the server again, the Login window does not appear.


Closes the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.


Change Monitoring Status

Lets the user select the monitoring status of a monitoring node selected in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

A check mark indicates the current status, which the user can change by choosing the other status.


Cuts the selected monitoring node. When a root monitoring node is selected, the user cannot choose this command.


Copies the selected monitoring node. When a root monitoring node is selected, the user cannot choose this command.


Pastes the cut or copied monitoring node into the selected monitoring group as a child node of the monitoring group.

Create New Monitoring Node

Opens the Create New Monitoring Node window so that a child node can be added to the selected monitoring group.

When new monitoring nodes are created in map mode, they are placed in the details display area automatically, starting at the top left of the area, until their locations become fixed.


Deletes the selected monitoring node.

If monitoring nodes whose locations have not been fixed yet are deleted in map mode, the rest of the monitoring node icons whose locations have not become fixed yet are re-aligned, starting at the top left of the details display area.

Delete All

Deletes all monitoring nodes displayed in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window. This command is typically used while the user is editing a tree loaded from a CSV tree configuration file so that the user can re-edit the tree from scratch. Choosing this command clears the tree, but does not clear the contents of the CSV tree configuration file.


Cancels the last editing operation related to the parent-child relationship performed for a monitoring node in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.


Cancels the undo operation that was performed immediately before Redo was chosen.


Opens the Search window so that the user can search the tree in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window for monitoring nodes. When a monitoring group is selected in the tree, JP1/IM - View searches only the selected monitoring group, including the child nodes.

If the Search window is already open, it is brought to the front.

Create New Visual Monitoring Window

Opens the Visual Monitoring (Editing) window.

Edit Visual Monitoring Window List

Opens the Edit Visual Monitoring Window List window.

Before this window opens, the Login window opens, from which the user must log in.#

This command is available only to users who belong to the resource group JP1_Console and have JP1_Console_Admin permission.


Opens the Properties window (with the General page displayed) for the monitoring node selected in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.


Icon View

Switches the details display area to map mode, in which the information of the monitoring group or monitoring object selected in the tree display area of the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window is displayed in map format.

Every time the user moves an icon, the new location is immediately saved. The locations of the icons set in this window are reflected in the Monitoring Tree window displayed in map mode.

Detailed View

Switches the details display area to list mode, in which the information of the monitoring node selected in the tree display area of the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window is displayed in list format.

Visual Icon display

Specifies by means of a check mark whether the Visual Icon can be used.

If a check mark is displayed, the Visual Icon specified for the monitoring group or the monitoring object is displayed in the detailed display area in map mode and in a Visual Monitoring window.

Set in Equal Intervals

Aligns the icons of monitoring groups or monitoring objects displayed in map mode at equal intervals. The locations of the icons set in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window are reflected in the Monitoring Tree window displayed in map mode. This command cannot be chosen in list mode (Detailed View).

Select Block

Allows the user to select the icons of multiple monitoring groups or monitoring objects displayed in map mode at the same time. When this command is chosen, the user can draw a rectangle by dragging to enclose the icons. All the icons in the rectangle are selected.

Auto-generate Tree

Opens the Auto-generation - Select Configuration window for automatically generating a monitoring tree.

Before this window opens, the Login window opens, from which the user must log in.# To use this command to generate a monitoring tree automatically, the user must log in as the jp1admin user.


If the jp1admin user has been deleted for whatever administrative reason, log in as a JP1 user that has sufficient permissions for accessing the definition information of the linked products.

Monitoring Range Settings

Enables or disables the setting of the JP1 resource group's monitoring range in the monitoring tree. When a check mark is displayed beside this menu item, the setting is enabled.

Basic Information

Opens the Properties window (with the Basic Information page displayed) for the node selected in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

Status-Change Condition

Opens the Properties window (with the Status-Change Condition page displayed) for the node selected in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

Common Condition Settings

Opens the Common Condition Settings window, which can be used to add, delete, edit, or check the common conditions managed by JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope).

This command is available only to users who belong to the JP1 resource group JP1_Console and have JP1_Console_Admin permission.

Event-Issue Conditions

Opens the Properties window (with the Event-Issue Conditions page displayed) for the node selected in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

Acquire Latest Definition

Acquires the latest information of the following definitions from JP1/IM - Manager:

  • All common conditions

When this command is chosen, the Login window opens. When the user logs in#, the latest information is acquired.

This command is available only to users who belong to the JP1 resource group JP1_Console and have JP1_Console_Admin permission.



Displays the Help contents.

About JP1/IM - View

Displays the JP1/IM - View version information.

#: When Save Login Information is selected, the logged-in user's name, password, and host name are saved, and the Login window does not appear until the user logs out.

Information displayed in the title bar of the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window

The following two kinds of information are displayed in the title bar of the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window:

About JP1/IM - View

The data version of the monitoring tree that is being edited in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window is displayed in the title bar. The default data version is 09-00.

When JP1/IM - View connects to the server, the version displayed in the title bar changes to the version of JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) installed on the server.

When a CSV file saved on the local computer is loaded, the version displayed in the title bar changes to the data version of the CSV file.

Note that the version displayed in the title bar is the data version of the server's monitoring tree or CSV file, and is not a product version.

Login information

When the user's login information is saved in JP1/IM - View, the login information is displayed in the title bar. By default, the function for saving login information is disabled, and no login information is displayed in the title bar. The function is enabled when a check mark appears beside Save Login Information on the File menu, and the user performs one of the operations listed in the following table.

Table 4‒7: Operations requiring the user to log in




Monitoring Tree (Editing)

From the File menu, choosing Acquire Tree from Server

Existing monitoring tree settings are acquired from JP1/IM - Manager.

From the File menu, choosing Update Server Tree

The edited monitoring tree settings are saved in JP1/IM - Manager.

From the Options menu, choosing Auto-generate Tree

A monitoring tree is automatically generated.

From the Options menu, choosing Acquire Latest Definition

The latest information of the common condition definitions is acquired from JP1/IM - Manager.

From the Edit menu, choosing Edit Visual Monitoring Window List

The Edit Visual Monitoring Window List window opens.

Visual Monitoring (Editing)

Clicking the Acquire Visual Monitoring Data from Server button

Visual monitoring data is loaded from JP1/IM - Manager.

Clicking the Update the Visual Monitoring Data of Server button

The edited visual monitoring data is saved in JP1/IM - Manager.

After the Save Login Information function has been enabled, it remains enabled until the user disables it in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

When the function is enabled, the following information is displayed in the title bar:

user-name@host-name (or user-name@IP-address)

Figure 4‒24: Display in the title bar when login information has been saved and has not been saved


If a login error occurs when login information has been saved, the login information is lost, an error dialog box appears, and the operation is interrupted.

If this situation occurs, the Login window appears when the user performs an operation that requires a login, and the login information entered in the window at that time is saved.