
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference

4.12.1 Status-Change Condition Settings window for a monitoring object

The following figure shows an example of the Status-Change Condition Settings window opened when a monitoring object is selected.

Figure 4‒17: Status-Change Condition Settings window for a monitoring object


For details about the status-change condition settings available in this window, see Chapter 4. Lists of System-Monitoring Objects (for Central Scope) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

Note that the setting in Common condition and the setting in Individual conditions are combined by using the AND operator. The individual conditions in Individual conditions are also combined by using the AND operator.

The following describes the items displayed in the Status-Change Condition Settings window for a monitoring object.

Condition name

The user enters the name of an event condition for changing the status of the monitoring object. The maximum length is 63 bytes.


The user selects the status of the monitoring object from Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Normal, Debug, or Initial in the drop-down list.

Condition (under Common condition)

From the drop-down list, the user selects one of the common conditions set in the Common Condition Settings window. When the Set Common Condition button is clicked, the Common Condition Settings window opens, where the user can add or edit a common condition.

Condition (under Individual conditions)

This area is used to register individual conditions. The user specifies the name and value of an individual attribute, and a condition.

The name of an individual attribute must begin with B. if the attribute is a JP1 event basic attribute, and must begin with E. if the attribute is a JP1 event extended attribute.

The following are notes on registering individual conditions:

  • A maximum of five individual conditions can be registered.

  • The length of each individual attribute name must be from 1 to 32 bytes.

  • Each individual attribute name must begin with an upper-case alphabetic character and can consist of upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and underscores (_). If a lower-case alphabetic character is entered, it is automatically converted to the corresponding upper-case alphabetic character.

  • The length of one individual attribute value must be from 1 to 1,023 bytes.

  • The total length of individual attribute values must not exceed 1,280 bytes.

  • Duplicate individual attribute names can be specified, but the Match comparison condition can be specified for only one of them.

  • When the same individual attribute name and value are specified in multiple conditions, either the Match or the Does not match comparison condition, but not both, can be specified in the conditions.

After specifying character strings in the text boxes, the user uses the drop-down list on the right to select Match, Does not match, First characters, Is contained, Is not contained, Regular expression, or Host name comparison as the comparison condition. If a condition other than Host name comparison is selected, the specified character string is case sensitive. If Host name comparison is selected, the host information saved in JP1/IM - Manager is used for the comparison. For details about the difference between Match and Host name comparison, see 5.11.2 Host information in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

When the Add button is clicked, the specified values are added as one entry to the list box (individual condition display field).

The user can edit or delete an entry listed in the individual condition display field. The user edits an entry by selecting it in the field and then clicking the Edit button to display the Edit Individual Condition window, where the selected entry can be edited. The user deletes an entry by selecting it in the individual condition display field and then clicking the Delete button.

Figure 4‒18: Edit Individual Condition window


Common information and program-specific information of a JP1 event extended attribute can be specified for an individual attribute. For details, see Chapter 3. JP1 Events in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.