
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference

4.9.4 Event-Issue Conditions page

A JP1 event can be issued when the status of the selected monitoring node changes. The Event-Issue Conditions page can be used to set the conditions for issuing JP1 events.

When a condition set on this page exists, JP1/IM - Manager sends a status-change event. If an automated action is to be set, the event must be specified in JP1/IM - View.

The following figure shows an example of the Event-Issue Conditions page of the Properties window.

Figure 4‒14: Properties window (Event-Issue Conditions page)


The following describes the items displayed on the Event-Issue Conditions page of the Properties window.

Event-issue conditions display field

This area specifies the monitoring node statuses that trigger the issuing of a JP1 event. The user selects the statuses from Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Normal, and Debug by selecting the corresponding check boxes. When the status of the monitoring node changes to any of the selected statuses, a JP1 event is issued.