
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference

4.9.1 General page

The General page of the Properties window can be used to display or change the name and icon of a monitoring node, the monitoring status of the node, and the JP1 resource group of the node.

The following figure shows an example of the General page in the Properties window.

Figure 4‒10: Properties window (General page)


The following describes the items displayed on the General page of the Properties window.

Icon and name of a monitoring node

Displays the icon and name of the selected monitoring node. When the node is a monitoring group, the icon that is displayed when the node is collapsed is also displayed.

Monitoring node ID:

Displays the node ID of the selected monitoring node.


Displays the location of the selected monitoring node in the tree. Each hierarchical level from the top of the tree is indicated by a slash (/). When the selected node is a monitoring group, a slash (/) is suffixed to the location.

Monitoring node type:

Displays the type of the selected monitoring node.

Icon (normal):

Displays the file name of the icon of the selected monitoring node. The user can change the icon by clicking Change to display the Select Icon window, where the user can select an icon.

Icon (expanded):

This item, which is applicable to only a monitoring group, displays the file name of the icon that is displayed when the node is expanded in the tree. The user can change the icon by clicking Change to display the Select Icon window, where the user can select an icon.

Visual Icon

Displays the file name of the Visual Icon for the selected monitoring node. Clicking the Change button opens the Visual Icon Selection window, where the user can change the Visual Icon.

If a Visual Icon is not set for a monitoring node, no file name is displayed.

Background image setting:

Displays the file name of the background image of the details display area in map mode (Icon View) in the Monitoring Tree window. The user can change the background image by clicking Change to display the Background Image Settings window, where the user can set a background image. Note that the user can change the background image only for a monitoring group in the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window.

Status-update date/time:

Displays the date and time that the selected monitoring node was updated.


Displays the status of the selected monitoring node. For example, Normal or Error is displayed. The monitoring status of the selected monitoring node is also displayed. The user can select either Monitoring or Not monitoring to change the monitoring status.

JP1 resource group:

Displays the name of the JP1 resource group set for the selected monitoring group when the logged-in user's monitoring range is set and enabled. If the Properties window is opened from the Monitoring Tree window, this item is disabled and the JP1 resource group cannot be changed. The JP1 resource group can be changed only by opening the Properties window from the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window. A JP1 resource group must be set for the top-level monitoring node. The default JP1 resource group for the top-level monitoring node is JP1_Console.

The following are notes on changing the JP1 resource group:

  • The name of the top-level JP1 resource group can have from 1 to 64 bytes, and the names of other JP1 resource groups can have from 0 to 64 bytes.

  • Only printable ASCII characters can be used in JP1 resource group names. However, the following characters cannot be specified: tab character, space character, control characters, and the symbols " / [ ] ; : = , + ? < >

Clicking OK or Apply applies the changes made on the General page: