
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference

4.5 Visual Monitoring window

Visual Monitoring windows are used to monitor the applications (monitoring nodes) represented by icons pasted into the windows from the Visual Monitoring (Editing) window. The Visual Monitoring window can also be used to change the status of nodes, display guide information, and retrieve nodes whenever necessary.

The user can display the applicable Visual Monitoring windows by selecting their names in the Open Visual Monitoring Window window and then clicking the OK button.

When the logged-in user's monitoring range is set and enabled, only the icons of those nodes that the user can access are displayed. If the user is monitoring nodes in a visual monitoring window and that window is edited so that all the nodes that the user can access are deleted, a message dialog box appears and the Visual Monitoring window closes.


By maximizing the Visual Monitoring window, the entire background image is displayed without scrolling the window. If the size of the Visual Monitoring window is larger than the screen resolution, scroll bars might appear to adjust the window to fit the screen resolution. In addition, the Close button and the Help button might be hidden.

Figure 4‒5: Visual Monitoring window


The following describes the items displayed in each Visual Monitoring window.

Alarm indicator

Flashes if a failure occurs in the monitored application system. The following table describes the conditions that cause the alarm indicator to flash under the default settings.

Table 4‒5: Conditions that cause the alarm indicator to flash

Setting and status of a node in the Visual Monitoring window

Alarm indicator

Whether monitoring enabled


Enabled (Monitoring)

Warning, Normal, Debug, or Initial

Not lit

Enabled (Monitoring)

Emergency, Alert, Critical, or Error


Disabled (Not monitoring)


Not lit

#: The status of node set to Not monitoring is always Initial.

You can change the conditions that cause the alarm indicator to flash. For details, see System profile of Central Scope (jcs_sysprofile_xxx.def) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

Monitoring point display area

Displays the icons of monitoring nodes.

If a failure occurs on a monitoring node represented by an icon, the background color of the icon changes. When the user double-clicks the icon, the associated monitoring node is selected in the Monitoring Tree window.

If icons overlap in this area, the icon of a node with a higher node ID is displayed in front of the icon of a node with a lower node ID. If a check mark is displayed for Visual Icon display on the View menu, the icons are displayed in the order specified in the Visual Monitoring (Editing) window.

[Figure] (Select Block button)

Clicking this button allows the user to select the icons of multiple monitoring groups or monitoring objects displayed in the monitoring point display area at the same time. When this button is clicked, the user can draw a rectangle by dragging to enclose the icons. All the icons in the rectangle are selected.

Pop-up menu

In the monitoring point display area, the user can select and right-click an icon to display a pop-up menu. The following describes the items on the pop-up menu.

Change Status

Lets the user change the status of the selected monitoring node. A check mark indicates the current status, which the user can change by choosing another status.

Change Monitoring Status

Lets the user change the monitoring status of the selected monitoring node from Monitoring to Not monitoring and vice versa.

Display Order

This item can be chosen if a check mark is displayed for Visual Icon display on the View menu. Even if multiple monitoring nodes have been selected, the user can choose this item.

The use can temporarily change the Display Order of a monitoring node by choosing the following commands. If the user closes the window and then displays it again, the Display Order is reset to the order specified in the Visual Monitoring (Editing) window.

  • Move to the foremost

    The selected monitoring node is displayed in front.

  • Move 1 level upward

    The selected monitoring node moves forward one position in the Display Order.

  • Move 1 level backward

    The selected monitoring node moves backward one position in the Display Order.

  • Move to the backmost

    The selected monitoring node moves to the backmost position in the Display Order.


The user can choose this item if the selected node is a monitoring group. Choosing this item opens the Search window. If the window is already open, it is brought to the front. The user cannot choose this item when the selected node is a monitoring object.


Opens the Guide window for the selected monitoring node only if guide information for the node exists.

Search Status-Change Events

Displays the events that caused the node status to change in the Event Console window. Events are selected based on the conditions set in the event receiver filter. If the window is already open, it is brought to the front. The event receiver filter settings can be checked in the Settings for Event Receiver Filter window.


Opens the Properties window (with the General page displayed) for the selected monitoring node.