
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference

1.2.2 Login window of Central Consol and Central Scope

The following figure shows the Login window of Central Console and Central Scope.

Figure 1‒9: Login window (Central Console and Central Scope)


The following describes the items displayed in the window.

User name

Text box for entering the user name of the user who is logging in. By default, the name of the last user to successfully log in appears. The user name that is entered must be one that is already registered in JP1/Base on the authentication server. During registration of the user name, the permissions for operating JP1/IM windows must be granted for the user. For details about registering users permitted to log in and the permissions for operating JP1/IM windows, see the following manuals:

  • Registering a user

    JP1/Base User's Guide (chapter on the settings for user management)

  • Granting permissions

    JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide (Appendix E. Operating Permissions)

User names can consist of 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters, and are not case sensitive.


Text box for entering the password corresponding to the entered user name. Passwords are case sensitive. A character string having from 0 to 32 bytes can be specified.

Host to connect

Text box for specifying the JP1/IM - Manager host to which JP1/IM - View is to connect. A character string having from 0 to 255 bytes can be specified. All characters other than control characters can be used. By default, the name of the host used for the last successful login appears. Specify a host name that the OS can resolve or an IP address in dot format (such as The system does not look for host names in the jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 file.

Note that, when specifying an IP address, you can use the IPv4 format only. You cannot use the IPv6 format.

When a user logs in from a Web browser, an address in IPv6 format cannot be used.

When using the communication encryption function, you can use a host name only. You cannot use an IP address.

Central Console

Selecting this check box connects the user to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) and displays the Event Console window.

Central Scope

Selecting this check box connects the user to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) and displays the Monitoring Tree window.