
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

11.3.4 Communication settings between BJEX or JP1/AS and JP1/IM - Manager

This section describes the settings that govern communication between BJEX or JP1/AS and JP1/IM - Manager.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting the timeout time for connections

You can change the length of time after which a timeout occurs for connections established for purposes such as checking the status of the source process or entering a response. Under most circumstances, you do not need to change this setting. If you frequently encounter error messages (KAVB0554-E or KAVB0555-E) due to network congestion or heavy loads on the source server, set a longer timeout time. You can set the timeout time in JP1/IM - Manager.

To change the timeout time for connections:

  1. Define the following parameter in a file you create on the manager.



    Replace logical-host-name with JP1_DEFAULT if the host is a physical host, and the logical host name if the host is a logical host.

    Specify the timeout time as a hexadecimal value within a range from 60 to 3,600 seconds. The default is dword:0000003c (60 seconds).

  2. Execute the jbssetcnf command.

    Execute the jbssetcnf command with the definition file you created specified in a command argument. When you execute the jbssetcnf command, the setting in the definition file is applied to the common definition information. For details about the jbssetcnf command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

  3. Execute the jco_spmd_reload command or restart JP1/IM - Manager.

    The new definition takes effect.

    For details about the jco_spmd_reload command, see jco_spmd_reload in Chapter 1. Commands of the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(2) Configuring packet filtering in firewall environments

In an environment that uses a firewall, configure packet filtering so that BJEX or JP1/AS can communicate with JP1/IM - Manager through the firewall. The following table shows the port numbers used for communication between BJEX or JP1/AS and JP1/IM - Manager, and the direction in which packets pass through the firewall:

Table 11‒3: Port numbers used for communication between BJEX or JP1/AS and JP1/IM - Manager



Traffic direction



JP1/IM - Manager -> BJEX or JP1/AS



BJEX or JP1/AS -> JP1/IM - Manager


->: Direction of established connection

For details about the other port numbers used by JP1/IM and JP1/Base, see the following references: