
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

10.4.2 Servicing Node exporter for AIX

Node exporter for AIX services are operated on the monitored AIX hosts.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Enabling registering services

Enable service registration with the following command:

The following is a description of the above node_exporer_aix command-options:


Y: Changeable --: Not applicable


If all options other than -p are not specified, the command is enabled.

(2) Disable registering service

Disable service registration with the following command:

(3) Registering the service changed

If you want to change Node exporter for AIX port number, use the following command to change the service-registration:

(4) Checking the status of services

Check the status of the service with the following command:

(5) Confirmation of service registration details

Confirm the registered contents of the service with the following command.

(6) Starting the Service

  1. Start the service.

    Start the service with the following command:

    • For physical host operation

    startsrc -s jpc_node_exporter_aix
    • For logical host operation

    startsrc -s jpc_node_exporter_aix_logical-host-name#

    If the logical host name is 8 bytes or more, add any character string of up to 7 characters specified in 10.4.2(1) Enabling registering servicesor 10.4.2(3) Registering the service changedto the end of "jpc_node_exporter_aix_" and specify it in -s option.

  2. Confirm the start of the service.

    Execute 10.4.2(4) Checking the status of services and confirm that the service has started.

(7) Stopping the service

  1. Stop the service.

    Stop the service with the following command:

    • For physical host operation

    • For logical host operation

    ode-exporter-for-AIX-destination-directory/jp1ima/bin/jpc_stop_node_exporter_aix -h logical-host-name#

    If the logical host name is 8 bytes or more, add any character string of up to 7 characters specified in 10.4.2(1) Enabling registering servicesor 10.4.2(3) Registering the service changedto the end of "jpc_node_exporter_aix_" and specify it in -s option.

  2. Confirm that the service is stopped.

    Execute 10.4.2(4) Checking the status of services to confirm that the service has stopped.

  3. Confirm that the node_exporter_aix process is stopped.

    Execute ps command. Confirm that the node_exporter_aix process is stopped.

(8) Forced Stop of Service

  1. Stop the service forcibly.

    Stop the service forcibly with the following command:

    • For physical host operation

    Node-exporter-for-AIX-destination-directory/jp1ima/bin/jpc_stop_node_exporter_aix -f
    • For logical host operation

    Node-exporter-for-AIX-destination-directory/jp1ima/bin/jpc_stop_node_exporter_aix -f -h logical-host-name#

    If the logical host name is 8 bytes or more, add any character string of up to 7 characters specified in 10.4.2(1) Enabling registering servicesor 10.4.2(3) Registering the service changedto the end of "jpc_node_exporter_aix_" and specify it in -s option.

  2. Confirm that the service is stopped.

    Execute 10.4.2(4) Checking the status of servicesto confirm that the service has stopped.

  3. Confirm that the node_exporter_aix process is stopped.

    Execute ps command. Confirm that the node_exporter_aix process is stopped.

(9) Enabling Automatic Startup

  1. Set the auto-launch setting

    Enable autostart with the following command:

    • For physical host operation

    mkitab "jpcaixexporter:2:wait:startsrc -s jpc_node_exporter_aix"
    • For logical host operation

    mkitab "jpcaixexporter:2:wait:startsrc -s jpc_node_exporter_aix_logical-host-name#"

    If the logical host name is 8 bytes or more, add any character string of up to 7 characters specified in 10.4.2(1) Enabling registering servicesor 10.4.2(3) Registering the service changedto the end of "jpc_node_exporter_aix_" and specify it in -s option.

  2. Check settings

    Check the settings with the following command.

    lsitab -a

    (Example of execution result)

    brc::sysinit:/sbin/rc.boot 3 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Phase 3 of system boot
    jpcaixexporter:2:wait:startsrc -s jpc_node_exporter_aix

(10) Disabling automatic startup

  1. Set the auto-launch setting

    Disable autostart with the following command:

    • For physical host operation

    rmitab "jpcaixexporter"
    • For logical host operation

    rmitab "jpcaixexporter"
  2. Check settings

    Use the following command to confirm that the item specified in step 1 has been deleted.

    lsitab -a

(11) Enabling Automatic Stop

  1. Open /etc/rc.shutdown file in a text editor and add the following Node exporter for AIX description:

    • For physical host operation

    • For logical host operation

    Node-exporter-for-AIX-destination-directory/jp1ima/bin/jpc_stop_node_exporter_aix -h logical-host-name#

    If the logical host name is 8 bytes or more, add any character string of up to 7 characters specified in 10.4.2(1) Enabling registering servicesor 10.4.2(3) Registering the service changedto the end of "jpc_node_exporter_aix_" and specify it in -s option.

  2. At the end of /etc/rc.shutdown file add one line:

    exit 0

    If the exit code of the last command executed is other than "0", /etc/rc.shutdown script recognizes it as an error and aborts the shutdown process.

(12) Disabling Automatic Stop

  1. Open /etc/rc.shutdown file in a text editor and remove the following Node exporter for AIX descriptions:

    • For physical host operation

    • For logical host operation

    Node-exporter-for-AIX-destination-directory/jp1ima/bin/jpc_stop_node_exporter_aix -h logical-host-name#

    If the logical host name is 8 bytes or more, add any character string of up to 7 characters specified in 10.4.2(1) Enabling registering servicesor 10.4.2(3) Registering the service changedto the end of "jpc_node_exporter_aix_" and specify it in -s option.

  2. At the end of /etc/rc.shutdown file add one line:

    exit 0

    If the exit code of the last command executed is other than "0", /etc/rc.shutdown script recognizes it as an error and aborts the shutdown process.