
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

6.10.2 Preparing to suppress event forwarding from an agent

As part of the preparation to suppress event forwarding from an agent, set up command buttons to suppress event forwarding or cancel suppression. By setting up command buttons, you can reduce the number of command inputs required of the administrator when a large number of events need to be handled, thereby preventing operational mistakes.

The following describes the command buttons that can be set up and what each one does.

All supp button
  • This is used when a large number of events occur on an agent.

  • Before the command can be executed, a confirmation message appears, and the administrator must confirm execution.

  • With regard to selecting an agent, the administrator selects a single event in the Console window of JP1/IM - View, and the host name is automatically extracted from it.

Cns supp button
  • Operation is based on a trigger such as completion of a corrective action following an error, after which monitoring (forwarding) of events from the applicable agent resumes.

  • Before the command can be executed, a confirmation message appears, and the administrator must confirm execution.

  • With regard to selecting an agent, the administrator selects a single event in the Console window of JP1/IM - View, and the host name is automatically extracted from it.

Chk supp button
  • This displays for confirmation the forwarding suppression status of a large number of events.

The following conditions are required for command execution:

For details about how to set up a command execution environment, see 1.16 Setting up a command execution environment (for Windows) or 2.15 Setting up a command execution environment (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting up command buttons for manually suppressing event forwarding

  1. Terminate all instances of JP1/IM - View that are connected to JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Execute the jcoimdef command to enable the command buttons.

    Command specification example

    jcoimdef -i -cmdbtn ON

    In the command execution result, confirm that S_CMDBTN is ON. Since the -i option is specified, command buttons are enabled immediately after command execution.

  3. Set up the commands to be used as command buttons.

    Create a command button definition file.

    Definition example (for Windows)

     usr name-of-JP1-user-who-uses-the-command-button
     btn All supp
      cmt Suppresses forwarding of all events from the applicable agent
      cmdtype agent
      inev true
      hst manager-host-name
      cmd "Base-path\bin\jevagtfw.exe" -s -o all $EVHOST
      qui false
      preview true
     btn Cns supp
      cmt Cancels suppression of forwarding of all events from the applicable agent
      cmdtype agent
      inev true
      hst manager-host-name
      cmd "Base-path\bin\jevagtfw.exe" -r -f $EVHOST
      qui false
      preview true
     btn Chk supp
      cmt Confirms event forwarding suppression status
      cmdtype agent
      inev false
      hst manager-host-name
      cmd "Base-path\bin\jevagtfw.exe" -l
      qui false
      preview true

    For $EVHOST in the definition example, the event-issuing host name of the event selected in the Console window of JP1/IM - View is assigned.

    For UNIX, replace Base-path\bin\jevagtfw.exe with /opt/jp1base/bin/jevagtfw.

  4. Start the Console window of JP1/IM - View.

  5. Confirm that the command buttons that were set in the Execute Command window are displayed.

    To display the Execute Command window, click the Execute Command button in the Event Console window.
