
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

6.9.4 Changing the severity level of JP1 events

When you are using the integrated monitoring database, you can change the severity level of an event by setting up the severity changing function.

For details about how to set up the integrated monitoring database, see 1.4.2 Setting up the integrated monitoring database (for Windows) or 2.4.2 Setting up the integrated monitoring database (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

For details about how to set up the severity changing function, see 5.13 Setting the severity changing function in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

The following shows how to change the severity level of an event.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting a severity change definition in the Severity Change Definition Settings window

To set a severity change definition in the Severity Change Definition Settings window:

  1. Make sure that the severity changing function is enabled for the event.

    Check whether the function is enabled by executing the jcoimdef command with the -chsev option specified. If it is not enabled, use the jcoimdef command to enable it. By default, the function is not enabled. After enabling the severity changing function, restart JP1/IM - Manager. For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  2. In the Event Console window, select Options, and then Severity Change Definitions.

    The View Severity Change Definitions window opens.

  3. Click the Add, Edit, or Delete button according to your needs.

    If you click the Add button:

    The Severity Change Definition Settings window opens. You can set a new severity change definition.

    If you click the Edit button:

    The Severity Change Definition Settings window opens. You can edit the selected severity change definition.

    If you click the Copy button:

    The selected severity change definition is copied and added to the View Severity Change Definitions window. Copy is added to the beginning of the copied severity change definition.

    If you click the Delete button:

    The selected severity change definition is deleted.

    In this case, skip step 4.

  4. In the Severity Change Definition Settings window, set the severity.

    Set an event condition for which you want to change the severity. Then, select a new severity level from New severity level, and then click the OK button.

  5. In the View Severity Change Definitions window, click the Apply button to enable the severity change definition.

    In the View Severity Change Definitions window, select the severity change definition that was set in the Severity Change Definition Settings window, and then select the Apply check box to enable the severity change definition. If you want to set multiple events, repeat steps 3 through 5.

  6. A confirmation message appears. To apply the settings, click Yes.

    The severity change definition you have set takes effect.

(2) Setting a severity change definition in the severity changing definition file

To set a severity change definition in the severity changing definition file:

  1. Make sure that the severity changing function is enabled for the event.

    Check whether the function is enabled by executing the jcoimdef command with the -chsev option specified. If it is not enabled, use the jcoimdef command to enable it. By default, the function is not enabled. After enabling the severity changing function, restart JP1/IM - Manager. For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in Chapter 1. Commands of the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  2. Define the severity level change for the event in the severity changing definition file.

    Create a severity change definition for each system. You can change the severity level to any of the following: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, and Debug.

    For details about the severity changing definition file, see Severity changing definition file (jcochsev.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files of the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

    Specification example for the severity changing definition file


    def severity-change-1

    cmt comment

    define enable


    B.ID IN 100 200

    E.SEVERITY IN Warning

    B.SOURCESERVER IN hostA hostB hostC


    sev Emergency


  3. Execute the jco_spmd_reload command or restart JP1/IM - Manager.

    If you changed the severity changing function from Disabled to Enabled in step 1, you need to restart JP1/IM - Manager.

    For details about the jco_spmd_reload command, see jco_spmd_reload in Chapter 1. Commands of the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

The severity of the JP1 event after the change has been applied is displayed under Severity in the events list. The severity of the JP1 event before the change is displayed under Original severity level in the events list. Additionally, for the JP1 event whose severity was changed, an icon is displayed under New severity level in the events list.

Event Base Service changes the severity of the JP1 events received from the Event Service instance on the manager, and registers the new severity level in the integrated monitoring database. During this process, the content of Event Service's event database is not changed.

A mapping definition is sometimes used to change severity. By using a mapping definition, you can display a different attribute under Severity in the events list.

(3) Adding a severity change definition by using events that occur during operations

During system operations, you can select an event you want to change, and add conditions for the severity change definition in the Add Severity Change Definition Settings window.

If you select an event and then add a definition, the definition is registered at the top of the definitions displayed in the View Severity Change Definitions window, and that definition takes priority.

To set the severity level of events in the Add Severity Change Definition Settings window:

  1. In the Event Console window, select an event whose severity you want to change, right-click the mouse, and from the popup menu that opens, choose Add Severity Change Definition Settings.

    The Add Severity Change Definition Settings window opens.

  2. In the Add Severity Change Definition Settings window, change the severity.

    Set the event conditions for which the severity is to be changed, and from New severity level, select a new severity level.

  3. Click the OK button.

    The added severity change definition is applied to the View Severity Change Definitions window. An icon is displayed in the Type column of the severity change definition that was added during operations.

(4) Converting an added severity change definition to a regular severity change definition

To convert a severity change definition that was added during system operations to a regular severity change definition:

  1. From the menu in the Event Console window, select Options and then Severity Change Definitions to display the View Severity Change Definitions window.

  2. In the View Severity Change Definitions window, from View Severity Change Definitions, select the added severity change definition (for which an icon is displayed in the Type column) that you want to convert to a regular severity change definition.

  3. Click the Type button.

  4. A confirmation message appears. To apply the settings, click Yes.

    The added severity change definition that you selected is converted to a regular severity change definition.

  5. In the View Severity Change Definitions window, click the Apply button.

  6. A confirmation message appears. To apply the settings, click Yes.

    The severity change definition that you added takes effect.