
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

6.5.3 Switching the event acquisition filter to be applied

From the multiple event acquisition filters that have been saved, you can select the filtering condition that JP1/IM uses when it acquires JP1 events from JP1/Base, and you can switch to this condition.

In an event acquisition filter, you can switch between enabling and disabling a common exclusion-condition, which is defined to temporarily exclude certain JP1 events from being acquired.

You switch the common exclusion-condition when it is necessary to exclude a host on which maintenance work is being performed from the monitoring object, so that the JP1 events generated on the host undergoing maintenance are temporarily filtered out and not acquired.

The following three methods are available for switching event acquisition filters and common exclusion-conditions:

Note, however, that if an event acquisition filter is running for a compatibility reason, you cannot switch it.

To start the System Environment Settings window or Event Acquisition Conditions List window, you need JP1_Console_Admin permissions. In addition, when reference and operation permissions are set for a business group, operations in these windows might not be possible, depending on the combination of the JP1 resource group and JP1 permissions level. For details, see 4.1.4(2) Assigning a JP1 resource group and permission level to a JP1 user in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

For details about the events that are generated when an event acquisition filter is switched, see 4.2.2 Event acquisition filter in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Switching an event acquisition filter from the System Environment Settings window

To switch an event acquisition filter:

  1. In the Event Console window, choose Options and then System Environment Settings.

    The System Environment Settings window opens.

  2. From the A filter is being applied drop-down list, select an event acquisition filter.

  3. Click Apply.

    The setting is enabled.

(2) Switching between enabling and disabling a common exclusion-condition from the System Environment Settings window

To switch between enabling and disabling a common exclusion-condition:

  1. In the Event Console window, choose Options and then System Environment Settings.

    The System Environment Settings window opens.

  2. In Common exclusion-conditions groups, select the condition group you want to apply.

  3. Click Apply.

    The setting is enabled.

(3) Switching the event acquisition filter from the Event Acquisition Conditions List window

To switch an event acquisition filter:

  1. In the Event Console window, choose Options and then System Environment Settings.

    The System Environment Settings window opens.

  2. In Event acquisition conditions, click the Editing list button.

    The Event Acquisition Conditions List window opens.

  3. From Filter list, select an event acquisition filter.

    Select an event acquisition filter based on the filter ID or filter name. To check the content, select an event acquisition filter and click the Edit button. The Event Acquisition Settings window opens and you can check the content of the filter you selected.

  4. Click OK.

    The display returns to the System Environment Settings window.

  5. Click Apply.

    The setting is enabled.

In the Event Acquisition Conditions List window, you can add, edit, copy, and delete filtering conditions. For details, see 5.2.4 Settings for event acquisition filters in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

(4) Switching between enabling and disabling a common exclusion-condition from the Event Acquisition Conditions List window

To switch between enabling and disabling a common exclusion-condition:

  1. In the Event Console window, choose Options and then System Environment Settings.

    The System Environment Settings window opens.

  2. Click the Editing list button in Event acquisition conditions.

    The Event Acquisition Conditions List window opens.

  3. In Common exclusion-conditions groups, check the condition group you want to apply.

    To check the content, select a common exclusion-condition and click the Edit button. The Common Exclusion-Conditions Settings window opens and you can check the content of the common exclusion-condition you selected.

  4. Click OK.

    The display returns to the System Environment Settings window.

  5. Click Apply.

    The setting is enabled.

(5) Using the jcochfilter command to switch an event acquisition filter

Each event acquisition filter is assigned a unique filter ID. By using this filter ID and the jcochfilter command, you can switch an event acquisition filter.

For details about the jcochfilter command, see jcochfilter in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

To switch an event acquisition filter:

  1. Enter the jcochfilter command and display an event acquisition conditions list.

    Examples follow of displaying an event acquisition conditions list on a physical host and a logical host.

    • Displaying an event acquisition conditions list on a physical host

      Enter the command as follows.


    • Displaying an event acquisition conditions list on logical host hostA

      Enter the command as follows.

      jcochfilter -h hostA

    A display example follows of an event acquisition conditions list on logical host hostA.

    Figure 6‒3: Using the jcochfilter command to display an event acquisition conditions list


    If JP1/IM - Manager on the specified host has not started, you cannot use the command to switch an event acquisition filter.

  2. Select an event acquisition filter based on the filter ID and filter name.

  3. Enter the jcochfilter -i command and switch the event acquisition filter.

    Examples of switching an event acquisition filter on a physical host and a logical host are described below.

    • Switching an event acquisition filter on a physical host to a filter that has a filter ID of 3

      Enter the command as follows.

      jcochfilter -i 3

    • Switching an event acquisition filter on logical host hostA to a filter that has a filter ID of 3

      Enter the command as follows.

      jcochfilter -i 3 -h hostA

(6) Using the jcochfilter command to switch between enabling and disabling a common exclusion-condition

Each common exclusion-condition is assigned a unique common exclusion-condition group ID. Using this common exclusion-condition group ID and the jcochfilter command, you can switch between enabling and disabling a common exclusion-condition.

For details about the jcochfilter command, see jcochfilter in Chapter 1. Commands in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

To switch between enabling and disabling a common exclusion-condition:

  1. Enter the jcochfilter command and display an event acquisition conditions list.

    Examples of displaying an event acquisition conditions list on a physical host and a logical host are described below.

    • Displaying an event acquisition conditions list on a physical host

      Enter the command as follows.


    • Displaying an event acquisition conditions list on logical host hostA

      Enter the command as follows.

      jcochfilter -h hostA

    If JP1/IM - Manager on the specified host has not started, you cannot use the command to switch an event acquisition filter.

  2. Select a common exclusion-conditions group based on the common exclusion-conditions group ID and the common exclusion-conditions group name.

  3. Switch between enabling and disabling the common exclusion-conditions group.

    Use one of the following options to switch between enabling and disabling the common exclusion-conditions group.

    • -e option

      Specify the common exclusion-conditions group ID you want to enable.

      Unspecified common exclusion-conditions groups are disabled.

    • -on or -off option

      Specify the common exclusion-conditions group ID you want to enable.

      The enabling and disabling settings of unspecified common exclusion-conditions groups are not changed.

      These options can be used when the operating mode of the common exclusion-condition is extended mode.

    The following describes an example of switching between enabling and disabling common exclusion-conditions on the physical host and a logical host.

    • On the physical host, the common exclusion-conditions with common exclusion-conditions group ID 3 are enabled, and the common exclusion-conditions with common exclusion-conditions group IDs 1 and 2 are disabled (only the specified common exclusion-conditions groups are changed).

      This specification can be used when the operating mode of the common exclusion-condition is extended mode.

      jcochfilter -on 3 -off 1,2

    • On the physical host, the common exclusion-conditions with common exclusion-conditions group ID 3 are enabled, and the other common exclusion-conditions are disabled.

      jcochfilter -e 3

    • On logical host hostA, the common exclusion-conditions with common exclusion-conditions group ID 3 are enabled, and the other common exclusion-conditions are disabled.

      jcochfilter -e 3 -h hostA