
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

6.1.1 Items displayed in the events list

The events list displays the attributes of JP1 events and their handling status. For the event attributes, you can also display basic attributes, common extended attributes, and program-specific extended attributes.

You can change the column width of the items displayed in the events list by holding the mouse button down on a column edge and dragging. If you change a column width on one page (on the Monitor Events page, for example), it is also changed on the other two pages (Severe Events and Search Events pages).

You can set up the Monitor Events, Severe Events, and Search Events pages so that background colors are added to specific events displayed in these pages. You can add background colors to events with the following levels of severity: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, and Warning.

If you use the severity changing function to change a severity level, set up a background color for the events at the changed severity level.

You can set the severity changing function if you are using the integrated monitoring database.

For details about how to set up the integrated monitoring database, see 1.4.2 Setting up the integrated monitoring database (for Windows) or 2.4.2 Setting up the integrated monitoring database (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

For details about how to set up the severity changing function, see 5.13 Setting the severity changing function in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

In the Preferences window, you can specify whether to save the column width for each display item when you log out, and whether to add background colors for specific events. For details about the Preferences window, see 3.24 Preferences window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Basic attributes, common extended attributes, and program-specific extended attributes of JP1 events

The events list displays the attributes (basic attributes, common extended attributes, or program-specific extended attributes) of each event. The default is that the severity level, registered time, registered host name, user name, event ID, message, object type, and action are displayed. You can change the items displayed in the events list from the Preferences window. For details about how to change displayed items, see 3.24 Preferences window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

The items that can be displayed (columns) in the events list are those event attributes that are listed in the table below.

Table 6‒1: Items displayed in the events list



Response status display item

Displays information (Processed, Processing, Held, or Unprocessed) that indicates the response status of JP1 events. If the response status of a consolidated event is different from the response status of repeated events, ! is displayed.

Consolidation status

This attribute shows the number of times a consolidated event is repeated. It is only displayed when monitoring of repeated events is suppressed or the display of repeated events is consolidated.

For events that are being consolidated, + is displayed after the repetition count, indicating that consolidation is in progress.


This attribute indicates the urgency of a JP1 event, in the following descending order: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, and Debug.

When you are using the integrated monitoring database, if you use the severity changing function to change a severity level, this attribute indicates the urgency of the JP1 event after the change.

Registered time

Time at which a JP1 event was registered in the event database of the event-issuing host.

Registered host name

Name of the agent (source event server) that registered the JP1 event.

User name

Name of the user that issued the JP1 event.

Event ID

Value that indicates the source program of the event that occurred.


Message text that shows the content of the JP1 event.

Object type

Character strings, such as JOB and JOBNET, that indicate the type of object where the event that triggered event generation occurred.


When automated actions are set up and if an event becomes the target of action execution, an action icon [Figure] (action that was not suppressed) [Figure] (action that was suppressed), or [Figure] (action that was partially suppressed) is displayed.

If a large number of events occur while the corresponding action is suppressed by the repeated event monitoring suppression function, [Figure] is displayed in the Event Console window.

When monitoring of repeated events is suppressed or the display of repeated events is consolidated, and the action status of a consolidated event is different from the action status of repeated events, ! is displayed.

When an event is not the target of action execution due to the common exclusion-conditions, [Figure] (Action-excluded event) is displayed.

Product name

Name of the program that issued the JP1 event.

Object name

Name of the object (job, jobnet, etc.) where the event that triggered event generation occurred.

Root object type

Object type. The root object type is normally the same as the object type, but the highest-order object type is displayed for multi-level jobs, such as jobnets and jobs.

Root object name

Object name. The root object name is normally the same as the object name, but the highest-order object name is displayed for multi-level jobs, such as jobnets and jobs.

Arrival time

Time at which the JP1 event arrived at the event database of the connected manager.

For the Search Events page, this attribute shows the time at which the JP1 event was registered in the event database of the search-target host.

Start time

Shows the time zone in which the execution started.

End time

Shows the time zone in which the execution ended.


Shows the phenomena (execution start, definition creation, etc.) that occurred for the object.

Serial number

Order in which the JP1 event arrived at this event server, regardless of the source.

Source process ID

Process ID of the source application program.

Source user ID

Source process user ID. The ID is -1 if the event comes from Windows.

Source group ID

Source process group ID. The ID is -1 if the event comes from Windows.

Source user name

Source process user name.

Source group name

Source process group name. The name is left blank if the event comes from Windows.

Source serial number

Serial number at the source host (the value does not change through forwarding).


JP1 event type.

Either the correlation succeeded icon [Figure] or the correlation failed icon [Figure] is displayed.

If a large number of events occur that are suppressed by the repeated event monitoring suppression function, [Figure] is displayed on each page of the Event Console window to indicate that a large number of events have occurred.

Action type

Action type.

An icon indicating the action type [Figure] (command) is displayed.

Severity (before change)

Severity level before the change.

This attribute can be set when the integrated monitoring database is used and the severity changing function is enabled.

Severity changing

When the severity level is changed, the icon [Figure] is displayed.

This attribute is displayed when the integrated monitoring database is used and the severity changing function is enabled.

Changed display message

Displays a message after the change.

This attribute is displayed when the integrated monitoring database is used and the display message change function is enabled.

After an upgrade from version 10-50 or earlier, this attribute can only be used if the IM database has been updated using the jimdbupdate command.

New display message

When the display message is changed, [Figure] is displayed.

This attribute is displayed when the integrated monitoring database is used and the display message change function is enabled.

After an upgrade from version 10-50 or earlier, this attribute can only be used if the IM database has been updated using the jimdbupdate command.

Display message change definition

Definition name of display message change.

This attribute is displayed when the integrated monitoring database is used and the display message change function is enabled.

After an upgrade from version 10-50 or earlier, this attribute can only be used if the IM database has been updated using the jimdbupdate command.


When there are memo entries for the JP1 event, the icon [Figure] is displayed.

This attribute can be set when the integrated monitoring database is used and the function for setting memo entries is enabled.

Source host name

Name of the host on which an event generating a JP1 event occurs.

A name is displayed when the integrated monitoring database is used, and source host mapping is enabled.

Source IP address

IP address of the source event server.

Object ID

Serial number of the event that triggered an action.

Return code

Command execution result.

Relation Event serial number

Serial number of correlation source event database.

Correlation event generation condition name

Name of a correlation event generation condition that is satisfied.

Suppressed event ID

Serial number (unique number in the event database) of a repeated event that occurs more frequently than the threshold.

Repeated event condition name

Name of a repeated event condition that determined that the event was a repeated-event.

Monitoring ID

Log file trap ID.

Monitoring name

Log file trap name.

Program-specific extended attribute

Displays the content of a program-specific extended attribute.

The program-specific extended attributes defined in the definition file for extended event attributes (extended file) are displayed.

(2) Program-specific extended attributes of JP1 events (displaying program-specific extended attributes)

When you set up a definition file for extended event attributes (extended file), you can display the content of a program-specific extended attribute in the column of the events list with a specified item name. For example, when you specify System Name as the item name for the E.SYSTEM program-specific extended attribute, you can display the attribute value of the E.SYSTEM program-specific extended attribute under an item called System Name in the events list.

(3) Program-specific extended attributes of JP1 events (event information mapping)

When you set up event information mapping, you can display the content of a program-specific extended attribute in the display item (basic attribute or common extended attribute) column of the events list. For example, when an SNP trap is converted into a JP1 event to be displayed in the events list, you can display the SNMP trap source host name in the registered host column.

When a program-specific extended attribute is displayed using event information mapping, it is preceded by the hash mark and a space (# ).

To display a program-specific extended attribute using event information mapping, you need to map a display item to the program-specific extended attribute. For details about event information mapping, see 6.9.2 Displaying extended attributes of JP1 events (mapping of event information).

(4) JP1 event response status

You can display a response status icon indicating the event's response status (Processed, Processing, or Held) in the far-left column of the events displayed in the events list. For details about how to display response status icons, see 6.3.1 Settings for JP1 event response statuses.

If you are using the repeated event monitoring suppression function or the consolidated display of repeated events function, and the response status of a consolidated event is different from the response status of repeated events, ! is displayed.