
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

3.1.1 In Windows

This subsection explains how to start JP1/IM - Manager when the host is a physical host whose OS is Windows.

  1. Start the IM database (if you are using IM database).

    Start the JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server service.

  2. Start Intelligent Integrated Management Database (if you are using Intelligent Integrated Management Database)

    Start JP1/IM3-Manager Trend Data Management Service service.

    JP1/IM3-Manager Intelligent Integrated DB Server service is started automatically in conjunction.

  3. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

    Start the JP1/IM3-Manager Trend Data Management Service service.

To start the IM database, Intelligent Integrated Management Database, and JP1/IM - Manager, you can use either a method that uses JP1/Base startup control or one that does not use startup control.

Startup control is a function that starts services according to a preset sequence. If startup control is set up, it first starts JP1/Base Control Service during Windows startup, and then it starts various services such as JP1/Base and JP1/IM - Manager.

If you want to automatically start individual services at system startup, use startup control of JP1/Base to control the start sequence of those services.

Before you can use startup control to start services, you must choose Control Panel, then Administrative Tools, and then Services in Windows. In the Services dialog box, you must set the startup method to "manual".

For details about startup control, see the chapter on setting up the service startup and stopping sequence (Windows only) in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

Starting the IM database

The default setting is that the IM database is not started using JP1/Base startup control.

To start the IM database without using startup control, choose Control Panel and then Administrative Tools, and then start the JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server service from Services.

To start the IM database using startup control, delete # from the lines shown below in the start sequence definition file of JP1/Base. Also, replace JP1/IM - Manager-path in StopCommand with Manager-path.

#[Jp1IM-Manager DB]

#Name=JP1/IM-Manager DB Server

#ServiceName= HiRDBEmbeddedEdition_JM0


For details about startup control, see the chapter on setting up the service startup and stopping sequence (Windows only) in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

Starting Intelligent Integrated Management Database

By default, Intelligent Integrated Management Database is set not to start with JP1/Base boot control feature.

To start without using the boot control feature, start JP1/IM3-Manager Intelligent Integrated DB Server service and JP1/IM3-Manager Trend Data Management Service service from Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services.

To start using the boot control feature, add the following lines to the section between [Jp1IM-Manager DB] and [Jp1IM-Manager] in JP1/Base boot order definition file.


Name= JP1/IM-Manager Intelligent Integrated DB Server

ServiceName= JP1_IMGNDB_Service

StopCommand= Manager-path\bin\imgndb\jimgndbstop.exe

[Jp1IM-Trend Data Management]

Name= JP1/IM-Manager Trend Data Management Service

ServiceName= promscale

Starting JP1/IM - Manager

The default setting is that JP1/IM - Manager is started using the startup control of JP1/Base.

To start JP1/IM - Manager without using startup control, choose Control Panel and then Administrative Tools, and then start the JP1/IM3-Manager service from Services.

  • When you use JP1/Power Monitor to start or stop the host on which JP1/IM - Manager starts, specify a command such as a batch file for executing net stop IM-database-service-name in the StopCommand parameter of the start sequence definition file of JP1/Base.

  • If you are using the integrated monitoring database, set it up; if you are using IM Configuration Management, set up the IM Configuration Management database. If you are using Central Scope, set up the monitoring object database, and then start JP1/IM - Manager.