
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide

2.2.2 When you are using JP1/Base as agent

Organization of this subsection

(1) Tasks necessary what you need to do immediately after you change the host name of the manager or JP1/Base

Describes the tasks required immediately after changing the host name of a manager or JP1/Base.

(a) Tasks necessary in JP1/Base

In JP1/Base of the manager who changed the host name, change the host name of the authentication server. For details such as procedures, see the description of the effects and follow-up tasks when changing the host names in the chapter on modifying settings during JP1/Base operation of the JP1/Base User's Guide.

After that, JP1/Base of the manager or agent whose host name was changed must be terminated and restarted.

(b) Tasks necessary in the IM database

When a manager's host name is changed, see 1.2.3(7) Procedure for rebuilding the IM database and rebuild the IM database.

(2) What to do if you change the host name of a manager or JP1/Base

(a) Host name that was set in the filtering condition

If the registered host name defined in the Severe Event Definitions window, the Settings for View Filter window, or the Detailed Settings for Event Receiver Filter window needs to be changed, you must change the registered host name settings in each setting window.

(b) Host name that was set in the Action Parameter Definitions window or in the automated action definition file

If the executing host name that was defined in the Action Parameter Definitions window or in the automated action definition file needs to be changed, you must change the executing host name settings in the Action Parameter Definitions window or in the automated action definition file.

After setting the host name, perform either of the following tasks:

  • When starting JP1/IM - Manager, in the Action Parameter Definitions window of JP1/IM - View, click the Apply button to enable the definition.

  • Reload the definition by executing the jcachange command.

(c) Host name that was set using a status change condition for the monitored object

If a host name that was set in the Status Change Condition Settings window or in the Common Condition Detailed Settings window needs to be changed, you must change the host name settings in each setting window.

After setting the host name, re-distribute the system configuration. For details, see 2.2.2(3) Procedure for re-distributing the system configuration when the host name of a manager or JP1/Base is changed.

(d) Host name that was set in the correlation event generation definition file

If a host name defined as a condition for generating a correlation event in the correlation event generation definition file needs to be changed, you must change the host name settings in the correlation event generation definition file.

After setting the host name in the correlation event generation definition file, enable the correlation event generation definition by executing the jcoegschange command.

(e) Host name that was set in the severity changing definition file

If a host name defined as a severity changing condition in the severity changing definition file needs to be changed, you must change the host name settings in the severity changing definition file.

If the severity changing function is enabled for an event, enable the host name change by performing one of the following tasks:

  • Execute the jco_spmd_reload command.

  • Start JP1/IM - Manager.

  • In the Add Severity Change Definition Settings window, click the OK button.

  • In the View Severity Change Definitions window, click the Apply button.

(f) Host name that is set in the display message change definition file

If a host name defined as a display message change condition in the display message change definition file needs to be changed, you must change the host name that is set in the display message change definition file.

If the display message change function is enabled for an event, enable the host name change by performing one of the following tasks:

  • Execute the jco_spmd_reload command.

  • Start JP1/IM - Manager.

  • In the Add Display Message Change Definitions window, click the OK button.

  • In the Display Message Change Definitions window, click the Apply button.

(g) Host name described in CN and SAN of a server certificate

If the communication encryption function is enabled and the host name described in CN and SAN of a server certificate needs to be changed, you need to re-create the server certificate.

For details about how to re-create a server certificate, see 9.4.2 Changing configured certificates in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

(h) Host name of the host that Intelligent Integrated Management Base runs on

After you change the host name of the host on which the Intelligent Integrated Management Base runs, you will need to restart JP1/IM - Manager. For details about how to start JP1/IM - Manager, see 3.1 Starting JP1/IM - Manager.

In addition, if the communication encryption function is enabled and the host name described in CN and SAN of a server certificate needs to be changed, you need to re-create the server certificate. For details about how to re-create a server certificate, see 9.4.2 Changing configured certificates in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.

If the host name of the host serving as the IM management node needs to be changed, you need to recollect the IM management node. For details about how to recollect an IM management node, see 3.5.6 Changes in IM management nodes in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

(3) Procedure for re-distributing the system configuration when the host name of a manager or JP1/Base is changed

If the host name of a manager or JP1/Base is changed, you need to re-distribute the system configuration. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Terminate all JP1/IM - Views that are connected to JP1/IM - Manager.

  2. Terminate JP1/IM - Manager.

  3. Execute the jbsrt_distrib command and redistribute the system configuration.

  4. Start JP1/IM - Manager.

  5. Start all JP1/IM - Views that are connected to JP1/IM - Manager.

For details about the system configuration distribution methods, see 1.9 Setting the system hierarchy (when IM Configuration Management is used) (for Windows), 1.10 Setting the system hierarchy (when IM Configuration Management is not used) (for Windows), or 2.9 Setting the system hierarchy (when IM Configuration Management is not used) (for UNIX) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide.