
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

8.1.3 JP1/IM configuration in a cluster system (for UNIX)

To run JP1/IM - Manager in a cluster system, you must execute JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base under the control of the cluster software and be able to handle failovers. This subsection describes the configuration of JP1/IM in a cluster system.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Overview of a JP1/IM configuration in a cluster operation system

Table 8‒1: JP1/IM configuration in a cluster system

Product name

JP1/IM configuration in a cluster system

JP1/IM - View

  • Use the logical IP address to connect from JP1/IM - View to JP1/IM - Manager.

  • Run JP1/IM - View itself in the physical host environment.

JP1/IM - Manager

  • JP1/IM - Manager can be run in the logical host environment.

  • JP1/IM - Manager supports failover if it is registered in the cluster software.

  • To register JP1/IM - Manager into the cluster software, you need logical IP addresses and a shared disk resource.

  • Definition information is stored on the shared disk and is inherited during failover.

  • Multiple logical hosts can be executed by a single server. Therefore, JP1/IM - Manager can be run in a cluster system with an active-standby configuration as well as an active-active configuration.

  • Execute JP1/IM - Manager on the same logical host as for the required JP1/Base.

(2) File organization on the shared disk

The files described below are created on the shared disk when you set up JP1/IM - Manager in a logical host environment. These files are required in order to execute JP1/IM - Manager on a logical host.

Table 8‒2: File organization on the shared disk (UNIX)


Type of shared file

Directory name

Central Console

Definition file


Log file


Temporary file


History file#


Central Scope

Definition file


Log file


Temporary file




IM Configuration Management

Definition file


Log file


Temporary file


IM configuration data and profile data


IM database



Intelligent Integrated Management Database

Execute file

See Storage destination of the executable file of the Intelligent Integrated Management Database in 2.7.1(1)(d) Where related files are stored in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Logging file

See Storage destination for individual logs of operation commands and Storage location of trend data management service logs in 2.7.1(1)(d) Where related files are stored in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

Data file

See Storage destination for data files of Intelligent Integrated Management Database in 2.7.1(1)(d) Where related files are stored in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

#: Event Generation Service processing, exclusion processing caused by common exclusion-conditions, and update processing of common exclusion-conditions definition are output as the history.

(3) Services and processes of JP1/IM - Manager

JP1/IM - Manager in a cluster operation system executes the services or processes of the logical host.

When you execute JP1/IM - Manager on the logical host, the process corresponding to the logical host is run.

The process name is the argument with the logical host name attached. For details about the process names, see Appendix B. List of Processes in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

(4) Communication method

When you set up JP1/IM - Manager on the logical host, the communication method for JP1/IM - Manager is set to what is called the IP binding method. The IP binding method is applied to both logical and physical host environments.

The two types of communication methods are the IP binding method and the ANY binding method. These methods determine how the IP address used for communication is to be allocated (bound) by internal processing.

For details about the communication methods, see the descriptions of the JP1/Base communication methods in the JP1/Base User's Guide. JP1/IM - Manager uses the same communication methods as JP1/Base.

(5) Setting common definition information

When you set up JP1/IM - Manager on the logical host, settings for the logical host are set as common definition information.

The common definition information is managed by JP1/Base in the database that stores JP1 settings. The settings are stored in the format shown below on the local disk of each server.

Figure 8‒1: Common definition information


The common definition information for the physical host (JP1_DEFAULT) is stored separately from the common definition information for the logical host. You use the jbssetcnf command to set the information for each physical and logical host, and you use the jbsgetcnf command to read the information.

The common definition information for the logical host must be the same for each server. When you perform setup or if you change the settings, copy the common definition information from the primary server where the settings are specified to the secondary server.

JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/Base, JP1/AJS, and JP1/Power Monitor (06-02 or later) use the common definition information to store the settings.