
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

7.6.2 Upgrade installation of JP1/IM - Agent (for Windows)

Install JP1/IM - Agent on the local disks of primary server and secondary server.

  1. Stop JP1/IM - Agent servicing.

    Stop JP1/IM - Agent of logical host from the cluster software.

    If physical host is also used, JP1/IM - Agent of physical host is stopped.

  2. Upgrade installation of JP1/IM - Agent.

    For details about how to install the software, see 1.3.1(3) Procedure of JP1/IM - Agent installation.

    This command is executed for both primary server and secondary server.

  3. Copy Windows service program for logical host again.

    Copy Windows service program in Agent-path\jp1ima\bin. Overwrites Windows service program for logical host after copying.

    This command is executed for both primary server and secondary server.

    Instead of renaming the file, copy the file and leave the source file.

    Copy original file name: jpc_service-name_service.exe

    Copy destination file name: jpc_service-name_service_logical-host-name.exe

    The following shows a sample jpc_alertmanager_service.exe.

    Copy original file name

    Copy destination file name



  4. Start JP1/IM - Agent servicing.

    Start JP1/IM - Agent of logical host servicefrom the cluster software.

    If you are also using physical host, start JP1/IM - Agent service of physical host.