
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

4.8 Setting work impact icons

By checking links between root jobnets on the Job flow tab of the integrated operation viewer, you can identify the scope of the impact a problem that has occurred in a preceding root jobnet has on the following root jobnet. However, depending on the type of job the preceding root jobnet failed to execute, the following root jobnet might not be impacted at all by the failure. Links between root jobnets are therefore accompanied by icons (work impact icons) indicating whether a failure that occurred in a preceding root jobnet has an impact on the following root jobnet.

The possible impact on the following root jobnet is determined by acquiring the status of the linked units of the preceding root jobnet. A work impact icon is displayed for information related to the IM management node selected in the tree that corresponds to either the preceding root jobnet or the following root jobnet. When there is no impact on the following root jobnet, no icon is displayed.

The following table describes the types and display criteria of work impact icons to be displayed.

Table 4‒2: Types and display criteria of work impact icons

work impact icons

Display criteria


(Impact found)

The icon is displayed if a linked unit of the preceding root jobnet has ended with an error or it has the Not executed + Ended status.


(Error during an impact check)

The icon is displayed if one of the following criteria is met:

  • An attempt to get information from JP1/AJS - Manager failed.

  • The unit specified as the preceding unit is not found in JP1/AJS - Manager, or the execution registration of the unit is not performed.

  • The number of relations between root jobnets from which impact information is obtained exceeded its maximum number.

For details about the maximum number setting, see the JP1/AJS documentation.


(Impact unknown)

The icon is displayed if one of the following criteria is met:

  • The preceding or following root jobnet is one managed by JP1/AJS - Manager earlier than version 12-10.

  • Any relations defined in the IM management node link definition file (imdd_nodeLink_def.conf) do not specify linked unit information.

  • The preceding root jobnet is an UNKNOWN node.

When multiple unit information exists for one link connecting root jobnets, if the impact varies across units, the icons are displayed in the following order: di019170.tif (impact found), di019160.tif (error during an impact check), di019150.tif (impact unknown), and no icon.

You can specify whether to display the [Figure] icon by setting the jp1.imdd.gui.linkedUnit.impact.unKnownDisplay property in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file ( By default, display of work impact icons is enabled. If you disable the display of icons, a blank is displayed.

You can specify information regarding linked units by setting unit of the value parameter in the IM management node link definition file (imdd_nodeLink_def.conf). If you upgrade JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) from version 12-00, you have to add the unit definition of the value parameter to the link definition for which rootJobnetExecutionOrder (root jobnet execution order) is specified as the type in the type parameter. Without this definition added to the link definition, either the di019150.tif icon or a blank is displayed.

For details, see IM management node link definition file (imdd_nodeLink_def.conf) and Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file ( in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.