
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

4.6 Compatible setting of the repeated event viewing suppression function

With JP1/IM - Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Base) version 12-00, even when the jcoimdef command is executed with the repeated event monitoring suppression (-storm option) set to ON, repeated events are still displayed. Therefore, if you upgraded from version 12-00, to use the repeated event viewing suppression function, the compatible setting of the repeated event viewing suppression function must be disabled (false).

If you new install a version 12-10 or later, the compatible setting of the repeated event viewing suppression Function is setting to Disabled (false) beforehand.

You can edit the compatibility view setting for repeated events by using the jp1.imdd.event.stormCompatible property in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file (

The following table describes the conditions under which the repeated event display suppression function in the Intelligent Integrated Management Base becomes enabled.

Table 4‒1: Conditions under which the repeated event display suppression function becomes enabled

Value set for -storm

Setting specified for jp1.imdd.event.stormCompatible

Repeated event display suppression function

on (enabled)

true (compatible with version 12-00)


false (disabled)


off (disabled)

true (compatible with version 12-00)


false (disabled)


For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

For details about the Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file, see Intelligent Integrated Management Base definition file ( in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.