
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

3.5.2 Setting the profiles on hosts in a remote monitoring configuration

There are two types of profiles: valid configuration information profiles and configuration file profiles.

The following table describes the types of profiles you can manipulate, the types of operations you can perform on the profiles, and the configuration files that correspond to the profiles.

Table 3‒6: Types of profiles and configuration files that correspond to the profiles


Type of profile you can manipulate

Corresponding configuration file

Add, delete

Remote-monitoring log file trap information

Remote-monitoring log file trap action-definition file

  • Edit, save

  • Apply in batch mode

  • Apply by reloading configuration files

  • Apply by restarting remote monitoring log file traps

  • Remote-monitoring log file trap information

  • Remote-monitoring event log trap information

  • Remote-monitoring log file trap action-definition file

  • Remote-monitoring event log trap action-definition file

The types of traps you can start and stop on remotely monitored hosts are remote-monitoring log file traps and remote-monitoring event log traps.

Application by reloading configuration files is not immediately performed when the JP1/IM - Manager host is connected to a remotely monitored host and is collecting log data from the remote host. In such cases, the reload operation will be performed the next time that log data is collected. While the JP1/IM - Manager host is collecting log data, the operation for applying configuration files by reloading them waits until log data collection finishes. If collection takes time, the reload operation might also take time. If you want to apply profiles immediately, use the application by restarting remote monitoring log file traps method. For details about the prerequisites for setting profiles on remotely monitored hosts, see 3.5.2(6) Prerequisites for setting profiles on remotely monitored hosts.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Adding or deleting profiles

You can use IM Configuration Management to add profiles to existing profiles stored on the manager running IM Configuration Management or delete profiles from the manager.

(a) Adding profiles

To add a profile:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host whose profile you want to add to the manager.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the tree area, select the profile folder for remote monitoring (Remote Monitoring), and then use either of the following methods to obtain exclusive editing rights:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Exclusive Editing Settings.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Exclusive Editing Settings.

    This step is unnecessary if exclusive editing rights have already been obtained.

  5. In the tree area, select Log File Trapping.

  6. Use either of the following methods to display the Add Profile window:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Add Profile.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Add Profile.

  7. Enter values in the following boxes.

    • Log file trap name

      You cannot specify an existing log file trap name or a name that is the same as the remote-monitoring log file trap action-definition file. Specification of this item is mandatory. For details, see 5.10 Add Profile window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference. This item is mandatory.

  8. Click the OK button.

    The log file trap name of the added remote-monitoring log file trap appears in the tree area.

    For details about how to edit the configuration file for remote-monitoring log file traps, see 3.5.1(5) Editing configuration files.

    When you add the profile of a remote-monitoring log file trap, the log file trap name is displayed in gray in the tree area because the remote-monitoring log file trap is not running yet. For details about how to start remote-monitoring log file traps, see 3.5.2(3) Editing configuration files.

(b) Deleting profiles

The following describes how to delete profiles.

You cannot delete profiles in the following case:

  • The remote-monitoring log file trap corresponding to the selected profile is running.

    If the remote-monitoring log file trap is running, stop it. For details about how to stop remote-monitoring log file traps, see 3.5.2(5)(b) Stopping remote-monitoring log file traps.

To delete a profile:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host whose profile you want to delete from the manager.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the tree area, select the profile folder for remote monitoring (Remote Monitoring), and then use either of the following methods to obtain exclusive editing rights:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Exclusive Editing Settings.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Exclusive Editing Settings.

    This step is unnecessary if exclusive editing rights have already been obtained.

  5. In the tree area, select the log file trap name of the applicable remote monitoring log file trap.

    In the tree area, under Log File Trapping, a list of the log file trap names of the remote-monitoring log file traps appears. Select the log file trap name you want to delete.

  6. Use either of the following methods to delete log file trap name of the profile:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Delete Profile.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Delete Profile.

    When a message appears asking whether you want to delete the log file trap name, click the Yes button.

    The log file trap name is deleted.

(2) Displaying profiles

You can display the profiles stored on the manager running IM Configuration Management using either of two methods according to the information to be displayed. This subsection describes both methods.

(a) Displaying the valid configuration information

To display the valid configuration information of each remotely monitored host:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host whose valid configuration information you want to display.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the Display/Edit Profiles window, in the tree area, select the item you want to display on the Valid Configuration Information page.

  5. Click the Valid Configuration Information button.

The settings in the valid configuration information that will be displayed depend on the item selected in the tree area of the Display/Edit Profiles window. For details about the relationship between the selected item and the displayed information, see 5.9.1 Valid Configuration Information page in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

(b) Displaying configuration files

The following describes how to display the configuration files of each remotely monitored host. These files are displayed in the Display/Edit Profiles window.

To display configuration files:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host whose configuration files you want to display.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the Display/Edit Profiles window, in the tree area, select an item you want to display on the Configuration File page.

  5. Click the Configuration File button.

The settings in the configuration file that are displayed depend on the item selected in the tree area of the Display/Edit Profiles window. For details, see 5.9.2 Configuration File page in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

Whether the information displayed on the Configuration File page can be edited depends on the item.

(3) Editing configuration files

The following describes how to edit and save the configuration files collected by the manager running IM Configuration Management. You can use the Display/Edit Profiles window to edit and save a configuration file.

To edit and save a configuration file:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host whose configuration file you want to edit.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the tree area, select the profile folder for remote monitoring (Remote Monitoring), and then use either of the following methods to obtain exclusive editing rights:

    If you intend to cut or paste the character strings in a configuration file, make sure that you obtain exclusive editing rights first.

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Exclusive Editing Settings.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Exclusive Editing Settings.

    This step is unnecessary if exclusive editing rights have already been obtained or you are copying only the character strings in a configuration file.

  5. In the Display/Edit Profiles window, in the tree area, select the configuration file you want to edit.

  6. In the Display/Edit Profiles window, in the node information display area, click the Configuration File button.

    The contents of the selected configuration file that is stored on the manager running IM Configuration Management appear. For details about the items that can be edited, see 5.9.2 Configuration File page in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference and Remote-monitoring log file-trap action definition file and Remote-monitoring event log trap action-definition file in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  7. When you have finished editing, from the menu bar, choose Operation, Save/Apply Profiles, and then Save on the Server.

    The edited configuration file is saved on the manager running IM Configuration Management.

(4) Applying edited information in configuration files

After you edit a configuration file on the manager, you can apply the new information to all the remote hosts in batch mode or to each remote host individually.

After applying a configuration file, you can check whether the operation was successful on the Configuration File page in the Display/Edit Profiles window. If it was successful, Application status is Applied. If the configuration file could not be applied, Application status is Application failed. If the configuration files stored on the manager are not used, Application status is blank (not applied). If configuration files are stored on the manager but not used on the target host, Application status is Saved on the server.

When Application status is Application failed or Saved on the server, the icon displayed in the tree area on the Configuration File page indicates the configuration file is being edited.

After applying a configuration file, you can check the status of the remotely monitored host on the IM Configuration page in the IM Configuration Management window. If Application status of any of the configuration files is Application failed or Saved on the server on the Configuration File page, the host icon in the tree area of the IM Configuration page indicates an error. To view the details, click the Basic Information button in the node information display area on the IM Configuration page.

(a) Using batch mode to apply edited information in configuration files

The following describes how to batch-apply the modified information in configuration files to all the remotely monitored hosts registered in a system hierarchy.

Batch mode cannot be used to apply edited information in configuration files in the following cases:

  • Another user has exclusive editing rights for one of the configuration files.

  • Another user is performing batch collection of profiles.

  • Another user is performing batch application of edited information in configuration files.

  • JP1/IM - Manager is not running.

  • There are no monitored hosts in the remote monitoring configuration.

  • Host information about remotely monitored hosts has not been collected yet.

  • The OS of the JP1/IM - Manager host and the OS of the remotely monitored hosts are Windows, WMI is used to monitor event logs, and DCOM is not configured.

  • No event log trap is running.

The following describes how to use batch mode to apply edited information in configuration files.

■ Configuration files for remote-monitoring log file traps

  1. Execute the jcfallogdef command to overwrite the configuration files for the currently running remote-monitoring log file traps.

    The configuration files for the currently running remote-monitoring log file traps are overwritten.

  2. Execute the jcfallogreload command to batch-reload the configuration files.

    The configuration files for remote-monitoring log file traps are reloaded in batch mode.

■ Configuration files for remote-monitoring event log traps

  1. Execute the jcfaleltdef command to overwrite the configuration files for the currently running remote-monitoring event log traps.

    This command can be executed when the OS of the JP1/IM - Manager host is Windows.

    The configuration files for the currently running remote-monitoring event log traps are overwritten.

  2. Execute the jcfaleltreload command to batch-reload the configuration files.

    This command can be executed when the OS of the JP1/IM - Manager host is Windows.

    The configuration files for remote-monitoring event log traps are reloaded in batch mode.

(b) Applying edited information in configuration files individually to each remotely monitored host

Two methods are available for applying the modified information in configuration files to each remotely monitored host.

■ By reloading

You can reload configuration files onto a remotely monitored host to apply the modified information in the configuration files.

You cannot apply the modified information in configuration files by reloading in the following case:

  • The selected remote-monitoring log file trap is not running when you attempt to apply the profile of a remote-monitoring log file trap.

To apply the modified information in a configuration file by reloading the configuration file:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host to which you want to apply the modified information in a configuration file by reloading the file.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the tree area, select the profile folder for remote monitoring (Remote Monitoring), and then use either of the following methods to obtain exclusive editing rights:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Exclusive Editing Settings.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Exclusive Editing Settings.

    This step is unnecessary if exclusive editing rights have already been obtained.

  5. In the tree area, select the profile you want to apply, and then click the Configuration File button.

    The Configuration File page is displayed.

    This step is unnecessary if you are currently editing the profile (configuration file) you want to apply.

  6. On the Configuration File page, in the node information display area, in the Saving/application section, click the two options below. Then click the Execute button.

    • Apply

    • Reload

    When a message appears asking whether you want to apply the information in the configuration file, click the Yes button. The profile is applied.

■ By restarting a remote-monitoring log file trap

The following describes how to apply the modified information in configuration files by restarting a remote monitoring log file trap.

You cannot apply the modified information in configuration files by restarting a remote monitoring log file trap in the following cases:

  • The selected remote-monitoring log file trap is not running.

  • The selected remote-monitoring log file trap is not specified in the remote-monitoring log file trap startup-definition file.

To apply the modified information in a configuration file by restarting a remote-monitoring log file trap:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host to which you want to apply the modified information in a configuration file by restarting a remote monitoring log file trap.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the tree area, select the profile folder for remote monitoring (Remote Monitoring), and then use either of the following methods to obtain exclusive editing rights:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Exclusive Editing Settings.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Exclusive Editing Settings.

    This step is unnecessary if exclusive editing rights have already been obtained.

  5. In the tree area, select the name of the remote-monitoring log file trap name you want to apply, and click the Configuration File button.

    The Configuration File page is displayed.

    This step is unnecessary if you are currently editing the profile (configuration file) you want to apply.

  6. On the Configuration File page, in the node information display area, in the Saving/application section, click the two options below. Then click the Execute button.

    • Apply

    • Restart

    When a message appears asking whether you want to apply the information in the configuration file, click the Yes button. The profile is applied.

(5) Starting or stopping remote-monitoring log file traps

You can start or stop remote-monitoring log file traps on remotely monitored hosts.

(a) Starting remote-monitoring log file traps

The following describes how to start remote-monitoring log file traps.

Note that a log-file trap startup definition file is not provided by default and cannot be created or distributed independently. A log-file trap startup definition file is created or updated simultaneously with other setting files in the following cases:

  • Edited information in a setting file is applied by restarting a log file trap.

  • Edited information in a setting file is applied by sending the setting file.

  • A log file trap is started.

  • A log file trap is stopped.

You cannot start remote-monitoring log file traps in the following case:

  • The selected remote-monitoring log file trap is already running.

To start a remote-monitoring log file trap:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host on which you want to start a remote-monitoring log file trap.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the tree area, select the profile folder for remote monitoring (Remote Monitoring), and then use either of the following methods to obtain exclusive editing rights:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Exclusive Editing Settings.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Exclusive Editing Settings.

    This step is unnecessary if exclusive editing rights have already been obtained.

  5. In the tree area, select the log file trap name of the remote-monitoring log file trap you want to start.

  6. Use either of the following methods to start the remote-monitoring log file trap:

    • From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Start Process.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Start Process.

    When a message appears asking whether you want to start the remote-monitoring log file trap, click the Yes button. The remote-monitoring log file trap starts.

(b) Stopping remote-monitoring log file traps

The following describes how to stop remote-monitoring log file traps.

You cannot stop remote-monitoring log file traps in the following case:

  • The selected remote-monitoring log file trap is not running.

To stop a remote-monitoring log file trap:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the IM Configuration tab.

    The IM Configuration page is displayed.

  2. On the IM Configuration page, in the tree area, select the remotely monitored host on which you want to stop a remote-monitoring log file trap.

  3. Use either of the following methods to display the Display/Edit Profiles window:

    • From the menu bar, choose View, and then Display Profiles.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Display Profiles.

  4. In the tree area, select the profile folder for remote monitoring (Remote Monitoring), and then use either of the following methods to obtain exclusive editing rights:

    • From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Exclusive Editing Settings.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Exclusive Editing Settings.

    This step is unnecessary if exclusive editing rights have already been obtained.

  5. In the tree area, select the log file trap name of the remote-monitoring log file trap you want to stop.

  6. Use either of the following methods to stop the remote monitoring log file trap:

    • From the menu bar, choose Operation, and then Stop Process.

    • Right-click to display a pop-up menu, and choose Stop Process.

    When a message appears asking whether you want to stop the remote-monitoring log file trap, click the Yes button. The remote-monitoring log file trap stops.

(6) Prerequisites for setting profiles on remotely monitored hosts

If you want to use IM Configuration Management to set the profiles on remotely monitored hosts, the version of JP1/Base on the manager running IM Configuration Management must be 09-50 or later.