
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

3.1.2 Registering remotely monitored hosts

To register remotely monitored hosts, you must configure communication for remote connection. The required communication settings depend on the operating systems on the manager host and the monitored hosts.

There are two ways to specify communication settings. One is to specify communication settings common to all systems, and the other is to specify communication settings for each monitored host. If you use the method for specifying communication settings common to all systems and you specify these settings in the System Common Settings window, you can reduce the number of items that need to be specified for each monitored host in the Remote Monitoring Settings window.

To register remotely monitored hosts:

  1. In the IM Configuration Management window, click the Host List tab.

    The Host List page is displayed.

  2. Use one of the following methods to display the Register Host window:

    • On the Host List page, in the tree area, select Host List. From the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Register Host.

    • On the Host List page, in the tree area, select and right-click Host List to display a pop-up menu. Choose Register Host.

  3. Register a new host by specifying the items that are displayed in the Register Host window.

    For details about the items displayed in the Register Host window, see 5.2 Register Host window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

  4. If the manager host is running Windows, specify the IM host account on the IM Host Account page in the System Common Settings window.

    In the IM Configuration Management window, from the menu bar, choose Edit and then System Common Settings to display the System Common Settings window.

    In the System Common Settings window, on the IM Host Account page, specify the IM host account.

    For details about the items displayed in the System Common Settings window, see 5.20 System Common Settings window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

  5. If the operating system of the monitored host is Window, configure WMI/NetBIOS.

    To specify communication settings common to all systems, specify the settings described in both (a) and (b) below; to specify communication settings individually for each monitored host, specify the settings described in (b) below.

    (a) Settings common to all systems

    In the IM Configuration Management window, from the menu bar, choose Edit and then System Common Settings to display the System Common Settings window. In the System Common Settings window, on the WMI/NetBIOS page, specify the WMI/NetBIOS settings.

    For details about the items displayed in the System Common Settings window, see 5.20 System Common Settings window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

    (b) Settings for each monitored host

    In the Register Host window, click the Setup button for Remote communication settings to display the Remote Monitoring Settings window. In this window, specify WMI/NetBIOS settings in Remote communication type.

    If you are specifying communication settings for each monitored host, in the Remote Monitoring Settings window, select Individual in Setting method.

    If you are specifying communication settings common to all systems, in the Remote Monitoring Settings window, select Common in Setting method.

    For details about the items that are displayed in the Remote Monitoring Settings window, see 5.7 Remote Monitoring Settings window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

  6. If the operating system of the monitored host is UNIX, configure SSH.

    To specify communication settings for all systems, configure the settings described in (a) and (b) below. To specify communication settings for each monitored host, configure the settings described in (b).

    (a) Settings common to all systems

    In the IM Configuration Management window, from the menu bar, choose Edit and then System Common Settings to display the System Common Settings window. In the System Common Settings window, on the SSH page, specify the SSH settings.

    For details about the items displayed in the System Common Settings window, see 5.20 System Common Settings window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

    (b) Settings for each monitored host

    Click the Setup button for Remote monitoring settings to display the Remote Monitoring Settings window. In the Remote Monitoring Settings window, select SSH in Remote communication type.

    If you are specifying communication settings for each monitored host, in the Remote Monitoring Settings window, select Individual for Setting method.

    If you are specifying communication settings for all systems, in the Remote Monitoring Settings window, select Common for Setting method.

    For details about the items displayed in the Remote Monitoring Settings window, see 5.7 Remote Monitoring Settings window in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

  7. Click the OK button