
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

2.6.5 Setting user mapping (for UNIX)

At the host where you execute commands by automated action and JP1/IM - View operations, set user mapping between JP1 user names and OS user names. This is required at all hosts that execute commands from JP1/IM.

To set user mapping:

  1. Set the user mapping definition.

    At each host where commands are executed, edit the user mapping definition file (jp1BsUmap.conf) to specify user mapping between JP1 users and OS users.

  2. Execute the following user mapping definition command:


If there are multiple users, you must set user mapping for all of them. User mapping is required even when a JP1 user name is the same as the OS user name.

The commands that are executed by automated action and JP1/IM - View operation are executed by a primary user who has been mapped to a JP1 user. To execute commands by a specific OS user, register that OS user as a primary user.

For details about the user mapping definition file (jp1BsUmap.conf) and the jbsmkumap command, see the description of the user management settings in the JP1/Base User's Guide.