
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

1.25.2 Notes on uninstallation (for Windows)

Organization of this subsection

(1) About Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2)

When JP1/IM - View is uninstalled, Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2) is also deleted unless other products use it.

(2) Settings in the Windows environment

The Path system environment variable value that was added during installation is deleted. However, if any program is using Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2), the path of HNTRLib2 (system-drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Hitachi#) is not deleted.

#: In Windows, this value might be different depending on the environment because the value of system-drive:\Program Files is determined by the setting of an OS environment variable at the time of installation.

(3) About uninstalling JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/IM - View and JP1/IM - Agent

(4) About uninstalling JP1/Base

Uninstalling JP1/Base deletes the definition information for JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View. Even if you reinstall JP1/Base, JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View will not work. If this occurs, you need to uninstall JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/IM - View, and then reinstall it.

(5) About the procedure for manually uninstalling an IM database on a physical host

To manually uninstall an IM database on a physical host, use the following procedure:

  1. Log on as a user with Administrator privileges.

  2. If JP1/IM - Manager service (JP1/IM3-Manager) is operating, terminate the service.

  3. If an IM database service (JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server) is operating, terminate the service.

  4. Delete the following folders, if they exist:



  5. Use the registry editor to select the following registry and check the value of InstallGuid:


    #1: Example of {<alphanumeric-string>}: 08042Y

    #2: Example value of [InstallGuid]: BAB5F425-3C8F-4CD5-9117-DA371EAD50DF

  6. Use the registry editor to delete the following registry items, if they exist:


    #1: For Windows 32-bit environment, replace "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\HITACHI\" with "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HITACHI\".

    #2: Make sure that the value of {<alphanumeric-string>} is equal to the value of InstallGuid you checked at step 5, and then delete the registry.

  7. Delete the following folder (hidden folder) if it exists:

    <OS-drive>:\Program Files(x86)\
    InstallShield Installation Information\{<alphanumeric-string>} #

    #: Make sure that the value of {<alphanumeric-string>} is equal to the value of InstallGuid you checked at step 5, and then delete the registry.

  8. Update the configuration file for the IM database by performing the following procedure:

    • Delete Manager-path\conf\imdb\system\dbconf\JM0.

    • Open Manager-path\conf\imdb\system\dbconf\jimdbsetuplist.conf in a text editor and edit it as follows, delete JP1_DEFAULT, and then overwrite the file.

      (Before editing)_JM0=JP1_DEFAULT

      (After editing)_JM0=

  9. Restart the OS. The OS must be restarted in order to synchronize the registry editor value with the value in memory.

(6) About the procedure for manually uninstalling an IM database on a cluster system

To manually uninstall an IM database on a cluster system, use the following procedure:

  1. Log on to the active host as a user with Administrator privileges.

  2. If a JP1/IM - Manager service (JP1/IM3-Manager_<logical-host-name>) is operating on the active host, terminate the service.

  3. If an IM database service is operating on the active host, terminate the service.

    JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_<logical-host-name>

    JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_<logical-host-name>

  4. If the following folder exists in the active server, delete the folder.




    #: n is the value of LOGICALHOSTNUMBER for the cluster setup information file.

  5. Use the registry editor to select the following registry and check the value of InstallGuid:


    #1: Example of {<alphanumeric-string>}: 08042Y

    #2: Example value of InstallGuid: BAB5F425-3C8F-4CD5-9117-DA371EAD50DF

  6. On the active host, use the registry editor to delete the following registries, if they exist:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{<alphanumeric-string>} #1,#2

    #1: For a 32-bit Windows environment, replace "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\HITACHI\" with "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HITACHI\".

    #2: Make sure that the value of {<alphanumeric-string>} is equal to the value of InstallGuid you checked at step 5, and then delete the registry.

  7. If the following folder (hidden folder) exists on the active host, delete it:

    <OS-drive>:\Program Files(x86)\
    InstallShield Installation Information\{<alphanumeric-string>}#

    #: Make sure that the value of {<alphanumeric-string>} is equal to the value of InstallGuid you checked at step 5, and then delete the registry.

  8. Update the configuration file for the IM database on the active host by performing the following procedure:

    • Delete Manager-path\conf\imdb\system\dbconf\JM<n>.

    • Open Manager-path\conf\imdb\system\dbconf\jimdbsetuplist.conf in a text editor, edit the line equal to n+1 as follows, delete the logical host name, and then overwrite the file.

      Note: n is the value of LOGICALHOSTNUMBER for the cluster setup information file.

      (Before editing) jimdbsetuplist.conf <line-number-n+1>


      (After editing) jimdbsetuplist.conf <line-number-n+1>


  9. Restart the OS on the active host. The OS must be restarted in order to synchronize the registry editor value with the value in memory.Log on to the standby host as a user with Administrator privileges.

  10. Log on to the standby host as a user with Administrator privileges.

  11. If a JP1/IM - Manager service (JP1_IM3-Manager_<logical-host-name>) is operating on the standby host, terminate the service.

  12. If an IM database service is operating on the standby host, terminate the service.

    • JP1/IM3-Manager DB Server_<logical-host-name>

    • JP1/IM3-Manager DB Cluster Service_<logical-host-name>

  13. If the following folder exists in the standby host, delete the folder.




    #: n is the value of LOGICALHOSTNUMBER for the cluster setup information file.

  14. On the standby host, use the registry editor to delete the following registry, if it exists:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{<alphanumeric-string>} #1,#2

    #1: For a 32-bit Windows environment, replace "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\HITACHI\" with "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HITACHI\".

    #2: Make sure that the value of {<alphanumeric-string>} is equal to the value of InstallGuid you checked at step 5, and then delete the registry.

  15. On the standby host, delete the following folder (hidden folder), if it exists:

    <OS-drive>:\Program Files(x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{<alphanumeric-string>}#

    #: Make sure that the value of {<alphanumeric-string>} is equal to the value of InstallGuid you checked at step 5, and then delete the registry.

  16. Update the configuration file for the IM database on the standby host by performing the following procedure:

    • Delete Manager-path\conf\imdb\system\dbconf\JM<n>.

    • Open Manager-path\conf\imdb\system\dbconf\jimdbsetuplist.conf by text editor, edit the line equal to n+1 as follows, delete the logical host name, and then overwrite the file.

    Note: n is the value of LOGICALHOSTNUMBER for the cluster setup information file.

    (Before editing) jimdbsetuplist.conf <line-number-n+1>


    (After editing) jimdbsetuplist.conf <line-number-n+1>


  17. Restart the OS on the standby host. The OS must be restarted in order to synchronize the registry editor value with the value in memory.