
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

1.23.3 Configuring SAP system monitoring

This section explains how to set the SAP system log extract command, which is an optional integrated agent host function for SAP system monitoring.

The following describes how to set SAP system monitoring function other than the SAP system log extract command.


Setting procedure

Script execution function (Script exporter)

To use this function, perform the setting steps described in the following sections after you have set up the SAP system log extract command.

SAP system log extract command (jr3slget, jr3alget)

Follow the configuration procedures in this section.

Script execution result monitoring function

Script execution result monitoring function (Fluentd)

To use this function, perform the setting steps described in the following sections after you have set up the SAP system log extract command.

Script execution result monitoring function (JP1/Base)

If you want to use this feature, see the description about JP1/Base log file traps in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

Metric transmission function

Metric output function (Script exporter)

This function can be used by executing the script execution function (Script exporter) setting procedure.

Metric output function (Fluentd)

This function can be used by executing the script execution function (Fluentd) setting procedure.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Preparing for configuring SAP system monitoring

This section describes how to prepare for configuring SAP system monitoring.

(a) Obtaining setup archive files

Retrieve archived files for using SAP system monitoring. The archived files are located in JP1/IM - Agent installation folder.

The file names for the setup archive files are as follows:


  • (Windows version)

  • sap_linux_VVRRSS.tar.gz (Linux version)

(b) Setting up SAP system log extract commands

The included SAP system log extract commands can be used only when JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP and JP1/IM - Agent do not coexist. For the procedure in an environment in which JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP and JP1/IM - Agent coexist, see 1.23.3(1)(d) Steps to build in an environment where JP1/IM - Agent and JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP coexist.

■ Installing the SAP system log extract command

  • For Windows

    1. Registers the registry used by the command.

      Execute the following command at the command prompt.

      reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Hitachi\JP1PC\InstalledProduct" /v "JP1PCAGTM" /t "REG_SZ" /d "1200"

      reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Hitachi\JP1PCAGTM\1200\PathName" /v "Path00#" /t "REG_SZ" /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\jp1pc"


      The location of the command.

    2. Place the unzipped agtm folder.

      Extracting the to JP1/IM-Agent-installation-folder\jp1ima\options generates a sap_windows folder,

      Place agtm folder under sap_windows\command directly under the folder (where the command is placed) with the path set to Path00. If you executed the command in step 1, place it in the following path:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\jp1pc

      If the destination path of agtm folder does not exist, create a new destination folder.

  • For Linux

    1. Place the decompressed agtm directory.

      Extracting the sap_linux_VVRRSS.tar.gz to JP1/IM-Agent-installation-directory/jp1ima/options generates a sap_linux directory, generates a sap_linux directory.

      Place agtm directory under the sap_linux/command under the following directory.


      If the destination path of agtm directory does not exist, create a new destination directory with the following owners and privileges:

      Owner: root

      Privileges: 755

■ Obtaining RFC libraries

For instructions on obtaining and deploying RFC library, see the Release Notes for JP1/IM - Agent as well.

  1. Obtain SAP NW RFC SDK 7.50 from SAP Software Download Center.

    • For Windows

      SAP NW RFC SDK 7.50 (Windows on x64 64bit) (patch level 0 or higher)

    • For Linux

      SAP NW RFC SDK 7.50 (Linux on 64bit) (patch level 0 or higher)

  2. Unzip the obtained compressed file according to SAP instructions.

    The extracted folder has the following structure.

    + bin        : Executable sample programs
    + demo       : C source file of the sample program
    + include    : C header file
    + lib        : Shared libraries

    The files required for the operation of SAP system log extract commands are stored in lib folders.

  3. Store all files under the extracted "lib" folder in the following folder.

    If the above path does not have the same rights as the installation folder, grant the rights.

■ Obtaining CRT library (for Windows only)

Obtain and apply CRT libraries required for the operation of RFC library. You can find the required CRT library version in SAP Note 2573790.

■ Set Up the environment parameters file (Optional)

  1. Create the environmental parameters file.

    Copy sample file (jr3slget.ini.sample,jr3alget.ini.sample) of the configuration parameter configuration file and change the file name of the copy destination to "any name.ini".

    For the location of configuration file configuration parameter, see "Appendix A.4 (3) Integrated agent host (Windows)" and "Appendix A.4 (3) Integrated agent host (Linux)" in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Overview and System Design Guide.

    For details about the settings of the environment parameters file, see Environment parameters file for jr3slget command (jr3slget.ini) and Environment parameters file for jr3alget command (jr3alget.ini) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference (2. Definition Files).

    For details about sample file of environment parameters file, see Sample file of environment parameters file for jr3slget command (jr3slget.ini.sample) and Sample file of environment parameters file for jr3alget command (jr3alget.ini.sample) in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference (2. Definition Files).

  2. Creates a working directory for SAP system log extract command.

    After editing the environment parameter configuration file, create a working directory for the SAP system log extract command. Create a directory of the path set in WORKDIR label of the environment parameter configuration file.

    For a Linux, create it with the following owners and privileges:

    Owner: root

    Privilege: 777

(c) Uninstalling for SAP system log extract command

  1. Stop the script execution result monitoring.

    If the log data of the SAP system log extract command is being monitored using the script execution result monitoring function (Fluentd or JP1/Base), monitoring is stopped.

  2. Stop script execution.

    If the SAP system log extract command is executed using the script execution function (Script exporter) of SAP system monitoring or cron, the command execution is stopped.

  3. Deletes the registry used by the command. (For Windows only)

    Run the following commands at the command prompt.

    reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Hitachi\JP1PC\InstalledProduct" /v "JP1PCAGTM"
    reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Hitachi\JP1PCAGTM\1200\PathName" /v "Path00"
  4. Deletes SAP system log extract command's working directory.

    If you created a directory for the path specified in WORKDIR label of the environment parameters file in Set Up the environment parameters file (Optional) under 1.23.3(1)(b) Setting up SAP system log extract commands, delete the created directory.

  5. Deletes the directory where SAP system log extract command is located.

    Delete the following folders and subordinate files.

(d) Steps to build in an environment where JP1/IM - Agent and JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP coexist

■ Install a new JP1/IM - Agent from scratch in an environment where JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP is already installed

If JP1/IM - Agent and JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP coexist, you cannot use the SAP system log extract command that ships with JP1/IM - Agent.

■ Install a new JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP from scratch in an environment where JP1/IM - Agent is already installed

If the SAP system log extract command has already been set up

The SAP system log extract commands included with JP1/IM - Agent is not available and must be deleted.

  1. Back up the SAP system log extract commands and definition file of SAP system bundled with JP1/IM - Agent.

    Copy the destination folder specified in the installation command to get SAP system information and the files under it, and back it up to any folder.

  2. Uninstall the SAP system log extract command.

    For details about how to do this, see 1.23.3(1)(c) Uninstalling for SAP system log extract command.

  3. Install and set up JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP.

When the SAP system log extract command has not been set up

You do not have to do it in advance.

■ Upgrading and installing JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP in an environment where JP1/IM - Agent and JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP coexist.

In this environment, you cannot use the SAP system log extract command that ships with JP1/IM - Agent, so there are no required steps.

■ Upgrading and installing JP1/IM - Agent in an environment where JP1/IM - Agent and JP1/PFM - Agent for EAPcoexist.

In this environment, you cannot use the SAP system log extract command that ships with JP1/IM - Agent, so there are no required steps.

■ Uninstalling JP1/PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications in an environment where JP1/IM - Agent and JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP coexist.

Back up the environment parameters files to use jr3slget and jr3alget commands that you created during JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP operation.

When using the SAP system log extract command bundled with JP1/IM - Agent, you can refer to the parameter of the environment parameters file of the backed up JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP as a reference.

■ Uninstalling JP1/IM - Agent in an environment where JP1/IM - Agent and JP1/PFM - Agent for EAP coexist.

In this environment, you cannot use the SAP system log extract command that ships with JP1/IM-Agent, so there are no required steps.