
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

8.7.1 Deleting logical hosts (for UNIX)

This subsection explains how to delete the logical host. When you delete the logical host, you must delete it at both the primary server and the secondary server.

If you use the IM databases (integrated monitoring database and IM Configuration Management database), you must delete them also (either before or after deleting the logical host).

Organization of this subsection

(1) Deleting the IM databases

This procedure is applicable when the IM databases (integrated monitoring database and IM Configuration Management database) are used.

If you are deleting the IM databases in order to reconfigure the environment, back up the databases beforehand. For details about the backup method, see 1.2 Managing the databases in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Administration Guide.

To delete the IM databases:

  1. Terminate JP1/IM - Manager.

    Terminate all JP1/IM - Managers in both the physical and the logical host environments.

    In the logical host environment, use the cluster software to terminate JP1/IM - Managers.

    If JP1/IM - View is connected, disconnect it by logging out.

    If JP1/IM - MO is used, also stop the JP1/IM - Message Optimizer service of JP1/IM - MO on the connection source.

  2. Execute the jcodbunsetup command to delete the integrated monitoring database.

    jcodbunsetup -h logical-host-name -c {online|standby} [-q]

    Use arguments to specify the logical host name and unsetup type.

    • logical-host-name (-h option)

      Specify the logical host name that was set up at the primary server.

    • Unsetup type (-c option)

      To delete the integrated monitoring database at the active host, specify online. To delete the integrated monitoring database at the standby host, specify standby.

      For details about the jcodbunsetup command, see jcodbunsetup in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  3. Execute the jcfdbunsetup command to delete the IM Configuration Management database.

    jcfdbunsetup -h logical-host-name -c {online|standby} [-q]

    Use arguments to specify the logical host name and unsetup type.

    • logical-host-name (-h option)

      Specify the logical host name that was set up at the primary server.

    • Unsetup type (-c option)

      To delete the IM Configuration Management database at the active host, specify online. To delete the IM Configuration Management database at the standby host, specify standby.

      For details about the jcfdbunsetup command, see jcfdbunsetup in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  4. Delete the following files and directories.

    Files under shared-directory/data/imcf/imconfig

    Files and directories under shared-directory/data/imcf/profiles

(2) Deleting Intelligent Integrated Management Database

If you are using the Intelligent Integrated Management database, run the jimgndbunsetup command to delete the Intelligent Integrated Management database (Trend Data Management DB) on the logical host.

For details about jimgndbunsetup command, refer to "jimgndbunsetup"(1. command" in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3- Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference".

For details about Logical host as a whole Delete, see 8.7.1(3) Deleting the logical host.

If you are using cluster software and want to delete only the Intelligent Integrated Management Database, review the settings of the cluster software so that failover does not occur even if the Intelligent Integrated Management Database stops.

(3) Deleting the logical host

To delete a logical host in UNIX, use the jbsunsetcnf command of JP1/Base. Execute the following command:

/opt/jp1base/bin/jbsunsetcnf -i -h logical-host-name

For details about the jbsunsetcnf command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

The logical host is now deleted. Note that when you delete the logical host, JP1/Base, JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/AJS, and JP1/Power Monitor (06-02 or later) are all deleted in batch mode.

Shared files and shared directories on the shared disk are not deleted. You must delete them manually.

(4) Deleting only JP1/IM - Manager and IM databases on a logical host

To delete only JP1/IM - Manager and IM databases from a logical host on which JP1/Base, JP1/IM - Manager, JP1/AJS, and JP1/Power Monitor (06-02 or later) have been installed:

  1. Before stopping JP1/IM - Manager, log out from the JP1/IM - View instance connected to JP1/IM - Manager and disconnect JP1/IM - View.

  2. Use the cluster software to stop JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base in this order.

  3. If you are using IM databases, perform the procedure described in 8.7.1(1) Deleting the IM databases and delete the IM databases.

  4. On the primary node and the secondary node, execute the following commands to delete common definitions:

    • [logical-host-name\JP1CONSOLEMANAGER\] key

      /opt/jp1base/bin/jbsunsetcnf -h logical-host-name -c JP1CONSOLEMANAGER

    • [logical-host-name\JP1SCOPE\] key

      /opt/jp1base/bin/jbsunsetcnf -h logical-host-name -c JP1SCOPE

    • [logical-host-name\JP1CONFIG\] key

      /opt/jp1base/bin/jbsunsetcnf -h logical-host-name -c JP1CONFIG

  5. Delete the shared files and shared directories.

  6. Check the JP1/IM - Manager settings in the cluster software to make sure that the cluster software will not execute the startup script (jco_start.cluster).