
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

8.6.4 Setting up the logical host environment (primary node) during upgrade installation (for UNIX)

If you use the functions of Central Scope, steps 6 through 8 are required. If you do not use the functions of Central Scope, skip steps 6 through 8.

  1. Terminate JP1/IM - Manager.

    Terminate the JP1/IM - Managers in both the physical and logical host environments.

  2. Set up a logical host environment for JP1/Base.

    If you have upgraded JP1/Base, see the notes about installation and uninstallation in the JP1/Base User's Guide, and then perform the setup. If you have not upgraded JP1/Base, there is no need to perform this setup.

  3. Make sure that the shared disk is available.

  4. Execute the jp1cohaverup command.

    /opt/jp1cons/bin/jp1cohaverup -h logical-host-name

  5. If you want to change the location of the event acquisition filter to Event Base Service, execute the jcochafmode command.

    /opt/jp1cons/bin/jcochafmode -h logical-host-name

  6. Check the available disk capacity.

    To upgrade JP1/IM - Manager, you need as much free space on the hard disk as the disk capacity under /var/opt/jp1scope/database/.

  7. Execute the jp1cshaverup command.

    /opt/jp1scope/bin/jp1cshaverup -h logical-host-name -w work-directory

  8. Execute the jbssetcnf command.

    Whether the following functions are enabled or disabled depends on the settings in the old version of JP1/IM - Manager or Central Scope:

    • Monitoring of the maximum number of status change events

    • Completed-action linkage function

    • Automatically deleting status change events

    • Initializing monitoring objects

    • Making status change conditions resident in memory

    To enable or disable one of the above functions, execute the jbssetcnf command by specifying the relevant file as an argument. For the file to be specified, see the following table.

    Table 8‒7: Files that are used to enable or disable the functions

    File name


    Settings file for the maximum number of status change events (evhist_warn_event_on.conf, evhist_warn_event_off.conf)

    Specify this file to enable or disable the function that issues a warning JP1 event when the number of status change events for a monitoring object exceeds the maximum value (100).

    Settings file for completed-action linkage function (action_complete_on.conf, action_complete_off.conf)

    Specify this file to enable or disable the completed-action linkage function.

    Definition file for automatic delete mode of status change event

    Specify this file to enable or disable the function that automatically deletes status change events when JP1 event handling is completed.

    Definition file for monitoring object initialization mode

    Specify this file to enable or disable the function that initializes monitoring objects when specific JP1 events are received.

    Definition file for on memory mode of status change condition

    Specify this file to enable or disable the function that makes status change conditions resident in memory.

  9. Back up the common definition file.

    /opt/jp1base/bin/jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name > common-definition-information-backup-file-name