
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

8.3.3 Setting up the logical host environment (primary node) of JP1/IM - Manager during new installation (for UNIX)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Preparations for setup

  1. Make sure that the services of JP1/IM and JP1/Base are stopped.

    Make sure that the processes of JP1/IM and JP1/Base are stopped on the physical host and all logical hosts. If JP1/IM - MO is used, also stop the JP1/IM - Message Optimizer service of JP1/IM - MO on the connection source.

  2. Make sure that the shared disk is available.

    Execute the mount command to make sure that the shared disk is mounted.

(2) Setting up JP1/Base

  1. Set up the logical host for JP1/Base (primary node).

    For details about the procedure, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

  2. Set up a command execution environment for JP1/Base.

    Execute the jcocmddef command to set up a command execution environment for JP1/Base. For details about the jcocmddef command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(3) Setting JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console)

  1. Execute the setup command for the logical host of JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console).

    /opt/jp1cons/bin/jp1cc_setup_cluster -h logical-host-name -d shared-directory-name

    Specify the logical host name and shared directory name using arguments.

    • logical-host-name (-h option)

      Specify the logical host name that was set in JP1/Base.

    • shared-directory-name (-d option)

      Specify a directory on the shared disk.

      The specified-directory-name/jp1cons/ directory is created and a set of JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console) files for the logical host is created.

    Note that the environment settings of JP1/IM - Manager on the logical host inherit the settings of the physical host. Customize the environment settings of the logical host, with the jcoimdef command (-h option) if necessary.

    For details about the command, see jp1cc_setup_cluster (UNIX only) in Chapter 1. Commands and jcoimdef in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

    To achieve correct failover operation, customize the environment settings for JP1/IM - Manager for the logical host.

  2. Setting re-execution of automated actions.

    Execute the following command to set re-execution of automated actions in the event of failover. The definition information of the physical host is inherited to the system environment configuration information to be specified in the command. Check the system environment configuration information of the physical host, and if necessary, set the system environment of the logical host.:

    /opt/jp1cons/bin/jcoimdef -r { EXE | OUTPUT | OFF } -h logical-host-name

    You can set the re-execution of the actions for any of the following statuses at failover:

    • Waiting to be sent

    • Waiting to be sent (being canceled)

    • Waiting to be sent (failed to be canceled)

    • Sending

    • Sending (being canceled)

    • Sending (failed to be canceled)

    • Queuing

    • Queuing (being canceled)

    • Queuing (failed to be canceled)

    • Running

    • Running (being canceled)

    • Running (failed to be canceled)

    If you specify EXE, the actions will be re-executed. If you specify OUTPUT, a list of actions will be output to a file. If you specify OFF, the actions will not be performed. Specify this setting according to your evaluation during the system design. This setting is optional.

    For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(4) Setting JP1/IM - Manager (integrated monitoring database) (mandatory)

Perform this setting procedure when you will be using JP1/IM - Manager (integrated monitoring database). If you intend to use an integrated monitoring database to manage JP1 events, you must create the integrated monitoring database.

  1. Edit the cluster setup information file.

    Prepare a cluster setup information file that contains information about the size of the database area required for the integrated monitoring database and the database storage directory.

    For details about the settings in the cluster setup information file, see Cluster setup information file (jimdbclustersetupinfo.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  2. Execute the jcodbsetup command to create an integrated monitoring database.

    jcodbsetup -f cluster-setup-information-file-name -h logical-host-name -c online [-q]

    Use arguments to specify the cluster setup information file name, logical host name, and setup type.

    • cluster-setup-information-file-name (-f option)

      Specify the name of the cluster setup information file that was created in step 1.

    • logical-host-name (-h option)

      Specify the logical host name that was set up at the primary server.

      As the logical host name, specify the logical host name set in JP1/Base in the correct form, including case. For details about how to set up JP1/Base, see 8.3.3(2) Setting up JP1/Base.

    • Setup type (-c option)

      Specify the setup type (online) of the active host.

      When you specify online, mount the shared disk and permit the logical host to access it.

    For details about the jcodbsetup command, see jcodbsetup in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  3. Execute the jcoimdef command to enable the integrated monitoring database.

    jcoimdef -db ON -h logical-host-name

    For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

Setup of the logical host at the primary server is now complete.

Make sure that the JP1/IM - Manager files for the logical host have been created on the shared disk and, if necessary, unmount the shared disk.

(5) JP1/IM-Manager (Intelligent Integrated Management Database) Setup

If you are using Intelligent Integrated Management Database, the steps to build logical host infrastructure for Intelligent Integrated Management Database (Trend data Management Database) are as follows:

  1. Build JP1/IM-Manager's logical host infrastructure.

    Prior to building Intelligent Integrated Management Database's logical host environment, logical host environment of JP1/IM-Manager (central console) must be built because logical host environment of the created JP1/IM-Manager must be referenced. You must also build Intelligent Integrated Management Base, which is a prerequisite feature of integrated operation viewer, and setup, which is an integrated monitoring DB. If you have already built it, continue to the next step.

    For details on how to build JP1/IM-Manager (central console) logical host environment, see "8.3.3(3) Setting JP1/IM - Manager (Central Console)" in the manual "JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Building Guide". For details about building Intelligent Integrated Management Base, see "4.4 Creating a cluster environment for the Intelligent Integrated Management Base". For details about Setup of the integrated monitoring DB, see "8.3.3(4) Setting JP1/IM - Manager (integrated monitoring database) (mandatory)".

  2. Create an OS user other than root.

    You must have an OS user (a user with login other than root) other than root from which you want to start Intelligent Integrated Management Base database (PostgreSQL).

    Use OS's useradd command to create them as needed. If you have already created one, skip to the next step.

    Here is a sample Execute for useradd command when you create a user imsrvuser:

    useradd imsrvuser

    If you have already created one, continue to the next step.

  3. Prepare cluster environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file.

    In cluster environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file, describe the required definitions, such as the data directory, port number, and so on.

    Refer to JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference cluster environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file (jimgndbclustersetupinfo.conf)"(2. Definition file) manual for editing Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file.

  4. Execute jimgndbsetup command.

    Execute the following command:

    jimgndbsetup -f cluster environment Intelligent Integrated Management Database setup information file -h logical-host-naming -c online
  5. Starting JP1/IM-Manager services from cluster software

    Start the following services from the cluster software:


(6) Setting JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management database) (optional)

Perform this setting procedure when you will be using JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management database). If you intend to use an IM Configuration Management database to manage system hierarchies (IM configurations), you must create the IM Configuration Management database.

  1. Edit the cluster setup information file.

    Prepare a cluster setup information file that contains information about the size of the database area required for the IM Configuration Management database and the database storage directory.

    For details about the settings in the cluster setup information file, see Cluster setup information file (jimdbclustersetupinfo.conf) in Chapter 2. Definition Files in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  2. Execute the jcfdbsetup command to create an IM Configuration Management database.

    jcfdbsetup -f cluster-setup-information-file-name -h logical-host-name -c online [-q]

    Use arguments to specify the cluster setup information file name, logical host name, and setup type.

    • cluster-setup-information-file-name (-f option)

      Specify the name of the cluster setup information file that was created in step 1.

    • logical-host-name (-h option)

      Specify the logical host name that was set up at the primary server.

      As the logical host name, specify the logical host name set in JP1/Base in the correct form, including case. For details about how to set up JP1/Base, see 8.3.3(2) Setting up JP1/Base.

    • Setup type (-c option)

      Specify the setup type (online) of the active host.

      When you specify online, mount the shared disk and permit the logical host to access it.

    For details about the jcfdbsetup command, see jcfdbsetup in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  3. Execute the jcoimdef command to enable the IM Configuration Management database.

    jcoimdef -cf ON -h logical-host-name

    For details about the jcoimdef command, see jcoimdef in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

Setup of the logical host at the primary server is now complete.

Make sure that the JP1/IM - Manager files for the logical host have been created on the shared disk and, if necessary, unmount the shared disk.

(7) Setting JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management) (optional)

This subsection describes the setting procedure for using JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management).

  1. Execute the setup command for the logical host of JP1/IM - Manager (IM Configuration Management).

    /opt/jp1imm/bin/imcf/jp1cf_setup_cluster -h logical-host-name -d shared-directory-name

    Specify the logical host name and shared directory name using arguments.

    • logical-host-name (-h option)

      Specify the logical host name that was set in JP1/Base.

    • shared-directory-name (-d option)

      Specify a directory on the shared disk.

    When you execute jp1cf_setup_cluster, the following directories are created:

    • shared-directory/jp1imm/conf/imcf

    • shared-directory/jp1imm/tmp

    • shared-directory/jp1imm/log/imcf

    • shared-directory/jp1imm/data/imcf

    For details about the command, see jp1cf_setup_cluster (UNIX only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(8) Setting JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) (optional)

  1. Execute the setup command for the logical host of JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope).

    /opt/jp1scope/bin/jp1cs_setup_cluster -h logical-host-name -d shared-directory-name

    Specify the logical host name and shared directory name using arguments.

    • logical-host-name (-h option)

      Specify the logical host name that was set in JP1/Base.

    • shared-directory-name (-d option)

      Specify a directory on the shared disk.

      The specified-directory-name/jp1scope/ directory is created and a set of JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) files for the logical host is created.

    For details about the command, see jp1cs_setup_cluster (UNIX only) in Chapter 1. Commands in the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

(9) Setup when using JP1/IM-Agent as a agent

(a) Setting changes for JP1/IM agent management base

The following describes how to change setting of JP1/IM agent management base (imbase,imbaseproxy).

■ Changing JP1/IM agent management base ports

Perform the following steps:

  1. Shut down JP1/IM agent management base.

  2. Change the listen port number of JP1/IM agent management base.

    Setup of the listen port number is setup to port membership of imbase configuration file (jpc_base.json) and imbaseproxy configuration file (jpc_baseproxy) in JP1/IM agent management base. Change this to the new port number.

    For detail on imbase configuration file and imbaseproxy configuration file, see the appropriate file (2. Definition file) in JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference manual.

  3. Starts JP1/IM agent management base.

■ Setup the certificate

Perform the following steps:

  1. Stop JP1/IM agent management base.

  2. Change server certificate and keying file for JP1/IM agent management base.

    The listen port number is setup to imbase configuration file (jpc_imbase) or imbaseproxy configuration file (.json) cert_file or key_file member.

    Updates setup value of cert_file or key_file, or file that you are setting.

    For detail of imbase configuration file and imbaseproxy configuration file, refer to the appropriate file in the manual "2. Definition file" in JP1/Integrated Management 3-Manager Command, Definition File and API Reference.

  3. Starts JP1/IM agent management base.