
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

7.3 Installing and setting up logical hosts (new installation and setup) (for Windows)

This subsection describes the new installation and setup of a logical host for JP1/IM ? Manager and JP1/IM - Agent. It also describes the setup of JP1/Base because JP1/Base must be set up on the same logical host with JP1/IM - Manager.

Before you start the procedure, check the following information about the cluster system.

Table 7‒6: Items to be checked before you install and set up the logical host (Windows)

Item to be checked


Logical host name

Name of the logical host that executes JP1

Logical IP address

IP address that corresponds to the logical host name

Shared folder

Folder on the shared disk that stores a set of files for the JP1 execution environment on the logical host

Additionally, make sure that these items satisfy the prerequisites described in 7.1.2 Prerequisites for cluster operation (for Windows).

Once you have finished checking the above items, you are ready to start the installation and setup.

Note that logical host names are case sensitive. Specify the logical host names set in JP1/Base in the correct form, including case. If you set up and install a logical host after specifying an incorrect logical host name, delete the IM databases and the logical host, and then install and set up the logical host again. For details about how to delete IM databases and logical hosts, see 7.7.1 Deleting logical hosts (for Windows).

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