
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

6.9.1 Example of creating system-monitoring objects (JP1/AJS jobnet monitoring)

This subsection presents an example of creating a system-monitoring object that monitors the execution status of JP1/AJS jobnet AJSROOT:/Group1/Order_Processing.

Figure 6‒16: Example of creating a system-monitoring object


  1. Open the Create New Monitoring Node window.

    Use one of the following methods to open the window:

    • Select a monitoring group, and then from the right-click pop-up menu, choose Create New Monitoring Node.

    • Select a monitoring group, and then from the menu bar, choose Edit, then Create New Monitoring Node.

    • To open the window from the details area, right-click with no monitoring node selected, and from the displayed pop-up menu, choose Create New Monitoring Node.

    If there are no monitoring nodes, use the menu bar or the pop-up menu that is displayed by right-clicking in the monitoring tree area.

  2. Enter a name for the monitoring node, and then select Jobnet Monitoring (AJS).

    Set the following items in the Create New Monitoring Node window:

    • Monitoring node name

      Specify any name.

    • Monitoring node type

      Select Jobnet Monitoring (AJS).

  3. Specify the basic information for the monitoring node.

    In the Basic Information Settings window, specify the following information.

    Table 6‒5: Example of basic information for a monitoring node

    Monitoring node attribute name

    Attribute value to be entered (example)


    Job execution host


    Host where the job is executed. Enter the name of the JP1/AJS agent that is to execute the job.

    Event-issuing server


    Host that issues JP1 events. In JP1/AJS, enter the name of the JP1/AJS manager.

    Registration name


    Enter a complete name in the format shown below. Specification of job group names is optional.


  4. The monitoring object is created.

    The monitoring object that monitors the execution status of the JP1/AJS jobnet AJSROOT:/Group/Order_Processing is created.