
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

6.8.5 Setup for linkage with JP1/Software Distribution

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setup for using system-monitoring objects for monitoring

To use a system-monitoring object of JP1/Software Distribution, you must set JP1/Software Distribution to issue JP1 events.

For details about the linkage setup, also see the following manual:

(a) For the JP1/Software Distribution Manager host

To perform setup at the manager where JP1/Software Distribution Manager is installed:

  1. Enable JP1 event issuance by JP1/Software Distribution.

    Start the JP1/Software Distribution setup window, choose the Event Service panel, and then select the enable the event service check box.

    To link with Central Scope, select the Report when the server is down and At error check boxes.