
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

6.8.1 Setup for linkage with JP1/AJS

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setup for using system-monitoring objects for monitoring

To use a system-monitoring object of JP1/AJS, you must set JP1/AJS to issue JP1 events.

For details about the linkage setup, see the following manual:

(2) Setup for generating a monitoring tree automatically

JP1/AJS supports automatic monitoring tree generation. To enable the linkage for automatic generation, set up the linkage program.

For details about the linkage setup, see the following manual:

(a) For the JP1/AJS - Manager host

  1. Setting up the linkage program for JP1/AJS

    Execute the following command to enable collection of definition information from JP1/AJS when the monitoring tree is generated automatically:

    ajs_adapter_setup -i (when enabling the linkage for automatic generation)

    If the above setup is not completed, a JP1/AJS monitoring object is not created when an attempt is made to generate a monitoring tree automatically.

    To release the linkage, execute the following command:

    ajs_adapter_setup -u (when releasing the linkage for automatic generation)

(b) For the JP1/AJS - Agent host

There is no need to set up a linkage program at the JP1/AJS - Agent host. Once you complete the setup at the JP1/AJS - Manager, Central Scope extracts the job execution host and generates a monitoring tree automatically based on the jobnet definition that is collected during monitoring tree automatic generation.