
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Configuration Guide

6.4.6 Editing the list of Visual Monitoring windows and deleting Visual Monitoring windows

This subsection explains how to use the Edit Visual Monitoring Window List window to edit the list of Visual Monitoring windows and to delete Visual Monitoring windows.

Figure 6‒15: Editing the list of Visual Monitoring windows and deleting Visual Monitoring windows


To edit the list of Visual Monitoring windows and delete Visual Monitoring windows:

  1. Open the Edit Visual Monitoring Window List window.

    In the Monitoring Tree (Editing) window, from the menu bar, choose Edit, and then Edit Visual Monitoring Window List.

  2. Log in to the server.

    The Login window for logging in to JP1/IM - Manager (Central Scope) is displayed.

    Enter the JP1 user name and password. The JP1 user must belong to the JP1_Console JP1 resource group and have JP1_Console_Admin permission.

    For the host to connect, enter the host name of JP1/IM - Manager.

  3. Select a Visual Monitoring window, and then move its position or delete it.

    In the Edit Visual Monitoring Window List window, select the name of a Visual Monitoring window, and then click the Up, Down, or Delete button. At this point, only the display in the edit window has changed. The actual data at the server has not been changed. To cancel the change, click Cancel.

    When the disabled OK button is enabled, click it. The list window is refreshed at this point. If you have clicked the Delete button, the data for the Visual Monitoring window is deleted from the server.